Note: Display 4.0 documentation is provided as a courtesy for clients on this older version of PowerReviews. We recommend contacting your Account Manager to discuss upgrading to our newer Display 4.1 version as soon as possible.
This article discusses how to implement Review Your Purchases (RYP). To learn more about RYP and its features, click here.
This article contains the following sections:
To use the RYP collection method, you must either have the JavaScript Checkout Beacon implemented on your website, or provide an Order Feed to PowerReviews. If the latter, ensure that you're sending the customer's email address, date of purchase, and purchased products in your Order Feed.
Setting Up RYP
You can choose one of two RYP experiences for your customers:
1. You can incorporate RYP with your Follow-Up Email. The initial interaction is similar to the Standard Collection Form, where a customer clicks through to Write-a-Review from the email. Instead of being taken to a single product review form however, they are redirected to a page where they're presented with their purchase history and can review multiple products at once.
2. You can set up an RYP page for customers who log into your site, using the same dynamic wrapper page used to host your Write-a-Review (WAR) form. This RYP experience could be set up under the customer's Order History page or something similar.
Setting up RYP for a Follow-Up Email
To set up an RYP page using the Follow-Up Email, contact your Implementation Team if you're still in Implementation, or Account Team if not. Either team can enable RYP in the PowerReviews Portal, and links in your Follow-Up Email automatically update with the following parameters in the page URL:
- appName=ryp
- pr_merchant_user_email=<customer_email_address>
This ensures the WAR form link takes your customer to the Review Your Purchases page where they can then review all the products they purchased in a particular time frame, as opposed to the single product WAR form.
If you're using your own Email Service Provider (ESP), ensure that your page links are amended with the parameters listed above either in the page URL or JavaScript call.
You can also embed the RYP widget within the My Account section of your website, as opposed to the standalone wrapper page.
Using your WAR code, you can either: add the following parameters to the URL, or add the parameter to the render function on the page.
- Append ?appName=ryp to the URL of the page, similar to the following: to - Add the variable to the source of your page and modify the necessary components
<script src="" async></script>
api_key: '<API Key>',
locale: '<locale>',
merchant_group_id: '<MGID>',
merchant_id: '<Merchant ID>',
page_id: '<PageID>',
appName: 'ryp',
merchant_user_email: '<User Email>',
components: {
ReviewYourPurchases: 'pr-write',
By adding these values, PowerReviews knows to gather the information from your Checkout Beacon or Order Feed, along with your customer's information, to populate the page with products the customer purchased.
Encrypting Email Addresses
PowerReviews recommends encrypting your customer's email addresses if you use a standalone RYP page and to ensure your customer’s privacy when they review their purchases.
By forcing email address encryption, the URL of the RYP page won't accept clear text email addresses, even if the customer's email address exists in the PowerReviews database. It's also important to note that you can't pass the pr_merchant_user_email parameter to generate your RYP form. Instead, this parameter is replaced with pr_emuid, and the value associated with this parameter is an encrypted version of your customer's email address.
If you use PowerReviews' Follow-Up Email, then your customers' email addresses are automatically encrypted when they access Review Your Purchases; PowerReviews automatically adds the pr_emuid parameter in the WAR form link in your post-purchase emails.
If you're not using PowerReviews' Follow-Up Email to send post-purchase emails, you must use the pr_emuid parameter, rather than using the pr_merchant_user_email parameter in the URL.
PowerReviews uses a 128-bit AES/CTR/NoPadding cypher, along with the AES algorithm.
To encrypt email address strings when using your own Follow-Up Email, contact your Implementation Team if you're still in Implementation, or PowerReviews Technical Support if not. Once we provide you the necessary information to encrypt the string, use the following steps to complete the process:
1. Lowercase the email string
2. Encrypt the email using an AES cypher, with the unique 16 digit string provided by PowerReviews as the encryption key and 'EmailPWRIVSpecIV' as the IV
3. Convert any '+' characters to '==PLUS==' in the encrypted email string in step 2
4. URL encode the string from step 3 using UTF-8 encoding
5. Assign the resulting string to the pr_emuid parameter within the Write-a-Review wrapper page URL
6. Then, you must encrypt your Follow-Up Email and plug in the encrypted document
Once you encrypt the email, you must pass the URL to the RYP page, so eventually your URL appears similar to the following: https:/
On-the-Fly RYP
On-the-Fly RYP is a solution if you want to take advantage of Review Your Purchases and Progressive Collection, but are unable to send us Order Data or want to control which items appear in the list.
For this to work, you must be able to identify and pass in the Page IDs of the products purchased. These should be passed in a double-pipe ("||") separated list of page_ids in the RYP request. This will render those products on the RYP form, ignoring any associated order data.
To Enable On-the-Fly RYP
In the URL, two parameters are needed:
- appName=ryp - This renders the RYP form
- pr_page_ids=pageid:variant||pageid2:||pageid3:variant3...||...pageidN:variantN - This is a list of page_ids and page_id_variants separated by double pipes (note the 's' on pr_page_ids)
When no variant is to be used with the product, pass an empty value for the variant.
Example URL: