Note: Display 4.0 documentation is provided as a courtesy for clients on this older version of PowerReviews. We recommend contacting your Account Manager to discuss upgrading to our newer Display 4.1 version as soon as possible.
This article discusses how to implement Feedless Product Data code on your product detail pages (PDPs) without product variants being present.
To learn more about implementing Feedless with product variants being present, click here. To learn how to troubleshoot your Feedless Product Data code, click here. To learn more about Feedless and its features and considerations, click here.
Installations Steps
1. Ensure you have already installed the PowerReviews ui.js library and render function on your pages with the components you will be using.
2. Paste the code sample directly underneath the review_wrapper_url
variable with a focus on the product: { } object, as you should have already installed the other code.
<script src="" async></script>
api_key: 'API_KEY',
locale: 'LOCALE',
merchant_group_id: 'MERCHANT_GROUP_ID',
merchant_id: 'MERCHANT_ID',
page_id: 'PAGE_ID',
review_wrapper_url: 'WRAPPER_URL',
//*** Start Feedless Product Code ***
//*** End Feedless Product Code ***
components: {
ReviewSnippet: 'pr-reviewsnippet',
ReviewDisplay: 'pr-reviewdisplay'
3. In the product object you created, update all of the fields with the appropriate data below.
Required Fields
Match the exact spelling and formatting to ensure your code is accurate.
Field | Description | Requirements | Example | Additional Notes |
name | The name of your product. | Use only UTF-8 encoded characters. | Rivno® Jacket | The name will be visible to your customers on the write-a-review page and Follow-Up Email. Internally, the name will be visible in moderation and reporting. |
url | The absolute URL of the PDP. | The URL shouldn't contain spaces and should always begin with https. | collections/apparel/products/ womens-fleet-jacket |
The URL will be used to hyperlink the product name on the write-a-review page and for the "continue shopping" link (visible after submitting a review). Internally, you will see this URL in moderation and reporting. |
image_url | The absolute URL where your product image is publicly hosted. | The URL shouldn't contain spaces and should always begin with https. | 1/1595/6395/products/ CUR7_HBM_hero_large.jpg?v=1478881740 |
The image will be visible to your customers on the write-a-review page and Follow-Up Email. Internally, the image will be visible in moderation. |
description | A description of your product. | Avoid using line breaks or HTML tags and entities in the description, and use only UTF-8 encoded characters. | Go for a walk in the forest and stay dry during the rainy season with this slick jacket fully equipped with top of the line water-resistant technology. | The description is used for moderation purposes and is not visible to your customers. |
category_name | The category hierarchy of the product. | The maximum length for this variable is 300 characters. | Apparel > Jackets > Rain Jackets | This field will be available in reporting, allowing you to filter reviews by category. |
manufacturer_id | The manufacturer model or part number. | xlslmpprod-1790001-a | This field is required for Syndication. | |
upc | The 12-digit Universal Product Code, the 13-digit International Article Number/European Article Number, or 14-digit Global Trade Item Number. | This field can only be a string of digits and cannot include letters, spaces, or special characters. | 872760558488 | This field is required for Syndication. |
brand_name | The product brand. | The North Face. | This field is required for Syndication. It will also be available in reporting, allowing you to filter reviews by brand. |
Optional Fields
If you elect to use any of these fields, match the exact spelling and formatting to ensure your code is accurate.
Field | Description | Requirements | Example |
price | The price of the product. |
This field can include a decimal point. Currency symbols should not be included. |
230.00 |
in_stock | The stock value of the product. | Value has to be '1' for True (product is in-stock) and '0' for False (product is out-of-stock). Value can be a string or integer. | 1 |
add_to_cart_url | The hyperlink to add the product to the customer's cart. | | |
asin | Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters and/or numbers that identify items - used for the Share to Amazon feature. | Must be 10 characters | B00005N5PF |