The Data Explorer page contains the centralized list of all data-table reports. This page is the single place to find detailed data behind any PowerReviews report, product or feature. Each of the reports listed on this page aggregate, combine and/or display the vast amounts of data that PowerReviews collects in order to make it intuitive, digestible, and impactful.
The core list of reports is the main item shown on the Data Explorer page. Each report is displayed with a title along with a description below that. The list of reports is filterable by the search bar at the top that filters based on report title.
Clicking the title of a report will open that report. Once the report has been opened, full interactivity and functionality around that report exists. This includes customizing the report in a number of ways, including:
- Sort Columns - Clicking any column header on the report will sort the report based on that column. Clicking it again will reverse the sort order.
- Reorder Columns - Dragging any column header on the report to a different spot in the headers will move that column to the new location.
- Edit Columns - Clicking this button allows you to easily edit the columns shown in the report. This includes hiding or showing columns as well as reordering them.
Each report also has functionality to allow you to more consistently and efficiently interact with your data, including:
- Export - Clicking this button allows you to download the data in the report. You can select to download as a CSV, Excel, or various other separated text files.
- Subscribe - Clicking this button allows you to subscribe to the report. The subscription will use the applied filters and send the data to any number of email addresses at a cadence of your choosing.
This article contains the following sections (which provide descriptions of the available Filter Names and Column Headers for each of the data table reports, as applicable):
- Answerer Detail
- Answers
- Brand Answers
- Brand Engage
- Brand Questions
- Brand Reviews
- Brands
- Categories
- Content Recommendation Engine
- Coverage Opportunities
- Customer
- Inbound Syndication Current Partners
- Inbound Syndication Current Partners - Brand Breakout
- Inbound Syndication Products
- Media
- Merchant Responses
- Moderators
- MSQs
- New Reviews - Loyalty Program
- Outbound Syndication Current Partners
- Outbound Syndication Products
- Pages - Collect
- Pages - Display
- Pages Display Locales
- Pages Display Over Time
- Products
- Questions
- Questions Display
- Review Searches
- Reviewer Type Detail
- Reviews
- Reviews Display
- Reviews Updated
- RRC Reviews
- Sampling Campaigns
- Sampling Products
- Sampling Reviews
- Sampling Reviews and Media
- Sentiment Analytics Reviews
- Share to Amazon
- Tag Detail
Answerer Detail
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Answerer |
Filter by the email of the answerer. |
Answer Type |
Filter by the type of answer (e.g. Expert, Ask Product Owner, Crowdsourced). |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Answerer |
The email of the answerer. |
Answerer Type |
The type of answerer (e.g. Expert, Ask Product Owner, Crowdsourced). |
Answers | The answer for a submitted question. |
Average Hours to Answer |
The average number of hours between when the answer was approved and the question was submitted. |
Questions Answered |
The number of questions answered by answerer. |
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Date | The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Category |
Filter by category of the products with questions. |
Brand | Filters products by brand name. |
Page ID |
Filter by page id associated with answers. To search for multiple page ids, enter comma-delimited list into textbox. |
Answer Email |
Filter by email associated with answer. |
Answerer Type |
Filter by answerer type (e.g. Expert, Ask Product Owner, Crowdsourced). |
Answer ID |
Filter by ID given to answer. |
Answer Keyword |
Filter by keyword in answer text. To search for multiple keywords, enter comma-delimited list into textbox. |
Brand Answer Flag | Indicates whether the answer was collected through Brand Engage. |
Is PWR Publishable | Filter by the publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team. |
Observations | Filter by the Observation reason code set by your team. |
Product Name |
Filter by the name of the product associated with the answer using a keyword search. |
Question ID |
Filter by ID given to question. |
Question Keyword |
Filter by keyword in question text. To search for multiple keywords, enter comma-delimited list into textbox. |
Reviewer Type | Filter by the type of reviewer that answered the review. |
Site Status | Filter by the publication status set by your team. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Answerer |
The email of the answerer. |
Answer Text |
The text of the answer. |
Answer ID |
The unique ID of the submitted answer. |
Answerer Location |
The location provided by the answerer. |
Answer Type |
The type of answer (e.g. Expert, Ask Product Owner, Crowdsourced, etc.) |
Brand Answer Flag | Indicates whether the answer was collected through Brand Engage. |
Brand Answer Name | Name of Brand who provided the answer. |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product for the submitted answer. |
Category |
The category of the product associated with the answer. |
Category Hierarchy | A list of full hierarchy of categories. |
Created Date |
The date an answer was submitted. |
Expert |
The flag that shows whether or not answer was provided by an expert. |
Helpful Votes |
The number of helpful votes on the answer. |
Is PWR Publishable |
The moderation status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Last Publication Modification Date |
Date of the last modification of the answer. |
Locale |
The language and country associated with the Answer. |
Not Helpful Votes |
The number of not helpful votes on the answer. |
Observations Names | The full name for the associated Observation code. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Product Name |
The name of the product for the submitted answer. |
Question ID |
The unique ID of the submitted question. |
Question Text |
The text of the question. |
Question Type |
The type of question (e.g. Product Quality, Customer Service, etc.). |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team. |
Time to Answer (Hours) |
The number of hours between when the answer was approved and the question was submitted. |
Brand Answers
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
Filter by the date that the question was collected. |
Category |
Filter by category of the products with questions. |
Brand |
The brand for which this question was collected. |
Page ID |
Filter by page id associated with answers. To search for multiple page ids, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Answer Email |
Filter by email associated with answer. |
Answer ID |
Filter by ID given to answer. |
Answer Keyword |
Filter by keyword in answer text. To search for multiple keywords, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Is PWR Publishable |
Filter by the publication status set by the retailer. |
Observations |
Filter by the Observation reason code set by the moderators. |
Product Name |
Filter by the name of the product associated with the answer using a keyword search. |
Question Keyword |
Filter by keyword in question text. To search for multiple keywords, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Question ID |
Filter by ID given to question. |
Retailer |
The retailer for which this question was collected. |
Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by the PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Answerer |
The email of the answerer. |
Answerer Location |
The location provided by the answerer. |
Answer ID |
The unique ID of the submitted answer. |
Answer Text |
The text of the answer. |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product for the submitted answer. |
Category |
The category of the product associated with the answer. |
Category Hierarchy |
The full hierarchy for the product associated with the answer. |
Created Date |
The date an answer was submitted. |
Helpful Votes |
The number of helpful votes on the answer. |
Is PWR Publishable |
The moderation status set by the PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Last Publication Modification Date |
The date of the last modification of the answer. |
Not Helpful Vites |
The number of not helpful votes on the answer. |
Observation Names |
The observation code set by moderators. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation. |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Product Name |
The name of the product for the submitted answer. |
Question ID |
The unique ID of the submitted question. |
Qusetion Text |
The text of the question. |
Question Type |
The type of question (e.g. pre_sale or post_sale). |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Time to Answer (Hours) |
The number of hours between when the answer was approved and the question was submitted. |
Brand Engage
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
Filter by the date that the question was collected. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand for which this question was collected. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Avg Time to Answer (hr) |
The number of hours between when the answer was approved and the question was submitted. |
Avg Time to Respond (hr) |
Average time between the question created date and the first Brand Answer posted for questions created in this time period. |
Brand |
The brand for which this question was collected. |
Brand Answers |
Number of answers collected for the brand. |
Brand Responses |
Total number of brand engage responses to reviews within the selected time period. |
Questions Collected |
Number of total questions collected for the brand. |
Questions Dismissed |
Number of Reviews that were dismissed within the selected time period. |
Questions With Brand Answers |
Number of questions collected for the brand with answers. |
Questions Without Brand Responses |
Number of questions collected for the brand without answers. |
Reviews Dismissed |
Number of Reviews that were dismissed within the selected time period. |
Reviews Eligible |
Number of Reviews that are eligible (i.e. have 1 or 2 star reviews and are matched to the brand of the retailer) for a brand engage response. |
Reviews With Brand Responses |
Number of reviews with a brand response within the selected time period. |
Reviews Without Brand Responses |
Number of reviews that have not received a brand response within the selected time period. |
Brand Questions
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
Filter by the date that the question was collected. |
Category |
Filter by category of the products with questions. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the products with questions. |
Page ID |
Filter by page id associated with questions. To search for multiple page ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Is PWR Publishable |
Filter by the publication status set by the retailer. |
Observations |
Filter by the Observation reason code set by the moderators. |
Question ID |
Filter by ID given to question. |
Question Keyword |
Filter by keyword in question text. To search for multiple keywords, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Retail |
Filter by the retailer for which this question was collected. |
Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Brand Answered |
Whether or not this question has collected a Brand Answer. |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product for the submitted question. |
Category |
The category of the product associated with the question. |
Category Hierarchy |
The full hierarchy of the product for which this question was submitted. |
Created Date |
The date a question was submitted. |
Is PWR Publishable |
The moderation status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Last Publication Modified Date |
The most recent date for which the publication of this question was modified. |
Observation Names | The observation code set by moderators. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation. |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Product Name |
The name of the product for the submitted question. |
Question Category Type |
The type of question (e.g. Product Quality, Customer Service, etc.). |
Question ID |
The unique ID of the submitted question. |
Question Text |
The text of the question. |
Question Type |
The type of question (e.g. pre_sale or post_sale.) |
Retailer |
The retailer for which this question was collected. |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Brand Reviews
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
Filter by the date that the review was collected. |
Category |
Filter by the categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
Filter by page id associated with the reviewed product. To search for multiple page ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Is PWR Publishable |
Filter by the publication status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Product ID |
Filter by the product id associated with the reviewed product. To search for multiple product ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Product Name |
Filter by the name of the product associated with a review using a keyword search. |
Response Status |
Filter by the status of the review response. |
Review Bottomline |
Filter by the answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
Filter reviews by keywords found in review comments using a keyword search. To search for multiple words, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Review Rating |
Filter by the star rating (1-5 stars) associated with the review. |
Reviewer Type |
Filter by the type of reviewer that submitted the review. For example, Anonymous, Verified Buyer, Verified Reviewer. |
Filter by a specific UGC id. To search for multiple UGC ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product for the submitted review. |
Brand Responder Email |
The email of the Brand Response on the Retailer Review. |
Brand Response |
The Response from the Brand on the Retailer Review. |
Created Date |
The date a review was submitted. |
Locale |
The language and country associated with the Review. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation. |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Product Name |
The name of the product for the submitted review. |
Response Comments |
The comments on the review. |
Response Status |
The status of the review response. |
Review Bottomline |
The answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
The comments on the review. |
Reviewer Type |
The type of reviewer that submitted the review. |
Review Headline |
The headline of the review. |
Review Location |
The location entered by the reviewer. |
Retail Name |
The retailer for which this review was collected. |
Review Nickname |
The nickname submitted by the reviewer. |
Review Observations |
The observation code set by moderators. |
Review Rating |
The star rating given on the review. |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Time to Respond (Hours) |
The number of hours between when the response was approved and the review was submitted. |
The ID of the user-generated content. |
The UPC associated with the reviewed product from the product feed. |
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Brand |
Filters to only include brands specified. |
Reviews Submitted | Filters brands based on the number of submitted reviews during the time period you specify. |
Reviews Published | Filters brands based on the number of published reviews during the time period you specify. |
Reviews Unpublished | Filters brands based on the number of published reviews during the time period you specify. |
Rating Range |
Filters brands falling within the range of the defined average rating. |
Rating Range Published |
Filters brands falling within the range of the specified average rating of reviews published. |
Rating Range Unpublished |
Filters brands falling within the range of the specified average rating of reviews unpublished |
Average Review Length |
The average review length of submitted reviews for a particular brand |
Average Review Length Published |
The average review length of published reviews for a particular brand |
Average Review Length Unpublished |
The average review length of unpublished reviews for a particular brand |
Impressions |
Filters brands based on the number of product page impressions received during the time period you specify. |
Pageviews |
Filters brands based on the number of pageviews received during the given time period. |
Orders |
Filters brands based on the number of orders received during the given time period. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Average Review Length |
The average length of reviews of the reviews submitted for that brand during the time period. |
Average Review Length Published |
The average length of reviews of the reviews published for that brand during the time period. |
Average Review Length Unpublished |
The average length of reviews of the reviews unpublished for that brand during the time period. |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product from the product feed. |
Conversion Rate |
The percent of pageviews that resulted in an order from a particular brand. |
Impressions |
The number of impressions for that brand during the given time period. |
Orders |
The number of orders for a particular brand. |
Pageviews |
The number of unique visitors for a particular brand. |
Product Count |
The count of products associated with that brand. |
Rating |
The average rating of the reviews submitted for that brand during the time period. |
Rating Published |
The average rating of published reviews of the reviews submitted for that brand during the time period. |
Rating Unpublished |
The average rating of unpublished reviews of the reviews submitted for that brand during the time period. |
Reviews Submitted |
The number of reviews submitted during the time period. |
Reviews Published |
The number of published reviews of the reviews submitted during the time period. |
Reviews Unpublished |
The number of unpublished reviews of the reviews submitted during the time period. |
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Average Review Length | Filters categories based on the average review length of submitted reviews during the given time period |
Average Review Length Published | Filters categories based on the average review length of published reviews during the given time period |
Average Review Length Unpublished | Filters categories based on the average review length of unpublished reviews during the given time period |
Brand |
Filters to only include categories specified. |
Category |
The category name of the product from the product feed. |
Impressions |
Filters categories based on the number of impressions received during the given time period. |
Pageviews |
The number of unique visitors for a particular category |
Orders |
The number of orders for a particular category |
Rating Range |
Filters categories falling within the range of the defined average rating. |
Rating Range Published |
Filters categories falling within the range of the defined average rating for published reviews |
Rating Range Unpublished |
Filters categories falling within the range of the defined average rating for unpublished reviews |
Reviews Submitted |
Filters categories based on the number of reviews submitted during the given time period |
Reviews Published |
Filters categories based on the number of reviews published during the given time period |
Reviews Unpublished |
Filters categories based on the number of reviews unpublished during the given time period |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Average Review Length |
The average review length of submitted reviews for a particular category |
Average Review Length Published |
The average review length of published reviews for a particular category |
Average Review Length Unpublished |
The average review length of unpublished reviews for a particular category |
Brand Count |
The number of brands within the given category. |
Category Hierarchy | A list of the full hierarchy of categories. |
Category Name |
The category name of the product from the product feed. |
Conversion Rate |
The percent of pageviews that resulted in an order from a particular category. |
Impressions |
The number of impressions within the category during the given time period. |
Orders |
The number of orders for a particular category. |
Pageviews |
The number of unique visitors for a particular category. |
Product Count |
The number of products within the given category. |
Rating |
The average rating of the reviews submitted for that category during the time period. |
Rating Published | The number of published ratings during the time period. |
Rating Unpublished | The number of unpublished ratings during the time period. |
Reviews Published | The number of published reviews during the time period. |
Reviews Submitted | The number of submitted reviews during the time period. |
Reviews Unpublished | The number of unpublished reviews during the time period. |
Content Recommendation Engine
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the product. |
Page ID |
Filter by page id associated with the reviewed product. To search for multiple page ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Display Reviews |
Filter by the number of reviews displayed. |
Orders |
Filter by the number of orders of the product. |
Pageviews |
Filter by the number of pageviews for the product. |
Rating Range |
Filter by the rating on the product. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Average Rating |
The average rating for reviews (both collected natively on the display site and syndicated from partners) on products matched. |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product. |
Cetegory Hierarchy |
A list of full hierarchy of categories. |
Category Name |
The category name of the product. |
Days Since Activity |
The number of days since the last activity for a particular page. |
Display Reviews |
The total reviews collected by the display partner on matched products. |
Page ID |
The page id of the product. |
Pageviews | The number of unique visitors for a particular page. |
Product Name |
The name of the product. |
Orders |
The number of orders for a particular page. |
Coverage Opportunities
The following table shows the available columns.
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Page ID |
The unique ID of the product. |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product from the product feed. |
Impressions |
The number of impressions for that page during the given time period. |
Native Reviews All Time |
The number of native reviews for all time. |
Product Name |
The name of the product. |
Syndicated Reviews All Time |
The number of syndicated reviews for all time. |
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Approved Images |
Filters the number of approved images the customer has submitted. |
Approved Reviews | Filters the number of approved reviews the customer has submitted. |
Approved Videos |
Filters the number of approved videos the customer has submitted. |
Character Range |
Filters the average character length for the reviews submitted for that email. |
Rejected Reviews |
Filters the number of rejected reviews the customer has submitted. |
Review Email | Filter by the email address associated with a review. To search for multiple emails, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Review Rating Range |
Filters the average rating for the reviews submitted for that email. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Approved Images |
The approved images attached to the reviews submitted by that email. |
Approved Reviews |
The number of approved reviews submitted by that email. |
Approved Videos |
The number of approved videos attached to the reviews submitted by that email. |
Average Character Count |
The average character length of the reviews submitted by that email. |
Average Rating |
The average review rating for the reviews submitted by that email. |
First Review Date |
The first time a review was submitted for that email. |
Merchant User Email |
The email address provided that is passed to PowerReviews via the Write-a-Review form. |
Merchant User ID | The ID of the reviewer as passed in by the merchant via the Follow-Up Email. |
Most Recent Review Date |
The most recent date a review was submitted for that email. |
Rejected Reviews |
The number of rejected review submitted by that email. |
Review Email | Email Address of the reviewer. |
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Date |
The date that the email was sent. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Bounce |
The number of emails bounced. |
Bounce Rate |
The percentage of emails bounced out of the total emails sent. |
Campaign ID |
The ID associated with the email campaign. |
Click Rate | The number of clicks on the review form of an email divided by the number of emails sent. |
Clicks | The number of clicks on the review form link in the email. |
Date |
The date the email was sent. |
Merchant Name | The name of the merchant who sent the email. |
Opened |
The number of emails opened. |
Open Rate |
The percentage of emails opened out of the total emails sent. |
Review Completion Rate |
The percentage of reviews written out of the total number of emails. |
Reviews Written |
The number of reviews written from the Follow-Up Email campaign. |
Sent |
The number of emails sent. |
Spam Report Rate | The number of emails reported as spam divided by the number of emails sent. |
Spam Reports | Number of emails reported as spam. |
Unique Click Rate | The number of unique users who clicked the email divided by the number of emails sent |
Unique Clicks | The number of unique users who clicked the review form link in the email. |
Unique Opened | The number of unique users who opened the email. |
Unique Open Rate | The number of unique users who opened the email divided by the number of emails sent. |
Unsubscribe |
The number of emails that unsubscribed. |
Unsubscribe Rate |
The percentage of emails that unsubscribed out of the total number of emails sent. |
Inbound Syndication Current Partners
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brands from your product feed. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Average Rating | The average rating for reviews (both collected natively on the display site and syndicated from partners) on products matched. |
Average Rating Display |
The average rating for reviews collected natively by the display site on products matched. |
Average Rating Syndicating |
The average rating for reviews collected by syndication by the display site on products matched. |
Combined Review Coverage |
The percentage of matched products with reviews (both collected natively on the display site and syndicated from partners). |
Display Products Matched |
The count of products matched on the display site. |
Display Products Receiving Reviews |
The count of products on the display site receiving reviews via syndication. |
Display Products Syndicated Reviews Only |
The count of products on the display site that have no native content, only syndicated content. |
Display Review Coverage |
The percentage of matched products with native reviews collected on the display site. |
Display Review Count |
The total reviews collected by the display partner on matched products. |
Incremental Coverage |
The increase in review coverage on your site due to your syndicated content. |
Partner |
Name of partner from whom you are receiving content |
Partner URL |
The web URL of the partner from whom you are receiving content |
Reviews |
The total sum of Reviews Syndicated and Display Review Count. |
Reviews Syndicated |
Count of all reviews that have been shared to your site. |
Reviews Syndicated 90 Day Change |
Change in the count of syndicated reviews by this partner in the last 90 days. |
Sharing Start Date |
The first date a review was shared. |
Syndicating Review Coverage |
The percentage of matched products receiving syndicated reviews. |
Inbound Syndication Current Partners - Brand Breakout
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brands from your product feed. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Average Rating |
The average rating for reviews (both collected natively on the display site and syndicated from partners) on products matched. |
Average Rating Display |
The average rating for reviews collected natively by the display site on products matched. |
Average Rating Syndicating |
The average rating for reviews collected by syndication by the display site on products matched. |
Combined Review Coverage |
The percentage of matched products with reviews (both collected natively on the display site and syndicated from partners). |
Display Products Matched |
The count of products matched on the display site. |
Display Products Receiving Reviews |
The count of products on the display site receiving reviews via syndication. |
Display Products Syndicated Reviews Only |
The count of products on the display site that have no native content, only syndicated content. |
Display Review Count |
The total reviews collected by the display partner on matched products. |
Display Review Coverage |
The percentage of matched products with native reviews collected on the display site. |
Incremental Coverage |
The incremental coverage in reviews for display products as a result of syndication |
Partner |
The brand from your product feed that your partner syndicated content to |
Partner Brand |
The brand from your product feed that your partner syndicated content to |
Reviews |
The total sum of Reviews Syndicated and Display Review Count. |
Reviews Syndicated |
Count of all reviews that have been shared to your site. |
Reviews Syndicated 90 Day Change |
Change in the count of syndicated reviews by this partner in the last 90 days. |
Sharing Start Date |
The first date a review was shared. |
Syndicating Review Coverage |
The percentage of matched products receiving syndicated reviews. |
Inbound Syndication Products
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the product from the product feed. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Average Rating |
The average rating for reviews (both collected natively on the display site and syndicated from partners) on products matched. |
Average Rating Display |
The average rating for reviews collected natively by the display site on products matched. |
Average Rating Syndicated |
The average rating for reviews collected by syndication on the display site on products matched. |
Display Brand Name |
The brand name of the page of the display site |
Display Category Name |
The category name of the product from the display site |
Display Category Name Hierarchy |
A list of full hierarchy of categories from the display site |
Display Page ID |
The Page ID of the product on display site receiving reviews. |
Display Product Name |
The name of the product on the display site receiving reviews. |
Display Review Count |
The total reviews collected by the display partner on matched products. |
Partner |
The name of Syndication Partner sharing content. |
Reviews |
The total sum of Reviews Syndicated and Display Review Count. |
Reviews Sydnicated |
Count of all reviews that have been shared to your site. |
Reviews Syndicated 90 Days Change |
Change in the count of syndicated reviews in the last 90 days. |
Sharing Start Date |
The first date a review was shared. |
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
Filter by the date that the image/video was collected. |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
Filter by the page id associated with the reviewed product. To search for multiple page ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Caption |
Filter by the caption associated to the image/video. |
Featured Flag |
Filter by whether the medium was marked as "Featured" |
Is PWR Publishable |
Filter by the publication status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Media Type |
Filter by the media type. |
Observations |
Filter by the Observation reason code set by the moderators. |
Product Name |
Filter by the name of the product associated with a review using a keyword search. |
Review Rating |
Filter by the star rating (1-5 stars) associated with the review. |
Review UGC ID |
Filter by the UGC ID. |
Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by your team. |
Social Collection Flag |
Filter by whether the medium was collected through social collection. |
Filter by a specific UGC id. To search for multiple UGC ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Brand Name |
The name of the band associated with the medium. |
Category Hierarchy |
The full hierarchy of the product for which this medium was submitted. |
Created Date |
The date that the medium was created. |
Featured Flag |
Indicates whether the medium was marked as "Featured" |
Is PWR Publishable |
The moderation status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Last Publication Modified Date |
The most recent date for which the publication of this medium was modified. |
Media Caption |
The caption for the medium. |
Media Type |
The media type (image or video). |
Media URL |
The URL of the medium. |
Observation Names |
The full name for the associated observation code. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation. |
Page ID |
The unique ID of the product. |
Page ID Variant |
The unique ID of the product variant. |
Product Name |
The name of the product associated with the medium. |
Profile |
The account name of the social account associated with the collected review. If unavailable or there is an unspecified user, this will be blank. |
Profile Link |
The full URL of the social account associated with the collected review. |
Review Rating |
The star rating (1-5 stars) associated with the review. |
Review UGC ID |
The UGC ID of the associated review for the medium. |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Social Collection Flag |
Indicates whether the medium was collected through social collection. |
The ID of the user-generated content. |
Merchant Responses
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
Filter by the date that the question was collected |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
Filter by page the id associated with the reviewed product. To search for multiple page ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Brand Responded |
Filter by whether the brand responded to the review. |
Is PWR Publishable |
Filter by publication status set by the PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Merchant Responder Email |
Filter by the email of the merchant responder. |
Merchant Response ID |
Filter by the ID of the merchant response. |
Observations |
Filter by the Observation reason code set by the moderators. |
Product Name |
Filter the name of the product associated with a review using a keyword search. |
Review ID |
Filter by the Review ID. |
Review Rating |
Filter by the star rating (1-5 stars) associated with the review. |
Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by your team. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product for the submitted review. |
Brand Responded |
The status of whether the brand has responded to the review. |
Brand Response Name |
The name of the brand response. |
Category |
The category of the product for the submitted review. |
Category Hierarchy |
The category of the product associated to the review. |
Created Date |
The date the merchant response was created. |
Is PWR Publishable |
The moderation status set by the PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Last Publication Modified Date |
The date of the last modification of the question. |
Merchant Response |
The response given to the reviewer from the merchant for the submitted review. |
Merchant Response ID |
The ID of the merchant response. |
Merchant Responder Email |
The email of the merchant responder for the review. |
Observation Names |
The observation code set by moderators. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation. |
Page ID |
The page ID of the review. |
Product Name |
The name of the product attached to the submitted review. |
Review Comments |
The comments on the review. |
Review ID |
The unique ID of the review. |
Review Rating |
The star rating given on the review. |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Time to Respond (Hours) |
The number of hours between when the response was approved and the review was submitted. |
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Moderator | Filter by the name of the moderator for the review |
Reviews Moderated | Filter by the range of number of reviews moderated |
Time to Moderate (Hours) | Filter by the range of the defined average time to moderate by hours |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
First Moderation Date | The earliest date when a review was moderated within the specified timeframe for that moderator |
Last Moderation Date | The latest date when a review was moderated within the specified timeframe for that moderator |
Moderator Email | The email of the moderator. This will be empty for PowerReviews moderation. |
Moderator Name | The name of the moderator |
Reviews Moderated | The number of reviews moderated within the given timeframe |
Time to Moderate (Hours) |
The average time it takes for the moderator to apply the first observation after the UGC is created, in hours **Average Time to Moderate (hours) for this report uses the date that the ugc is ingested into PowerReviews' system for data around or after November 14, 2022. This is calculated using the date the ugc was created for historical data before November 14th. |
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
Filter by the date that the review was collected. |
Category |
Filter by the category of the product associated with the answer. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
Filter by the page id associated with the review. To search for multiple page ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Question Name |
Filter by the name of the question. |
Product Name |
Filter by the name of the product. |
Review Rating |
Filter by the rating of the review. |
Filter by the UGC ID. |
Response |
Filter by the response to the question. |
Review Comments |
Filter by the comments on the review. |
Reviewer Type |
Filter by the type of reviewer that submitted the review. For example, Anonymous, Verified Buyer, Verified Reviewer. |
Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by the PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product for the submitted question. |
Campaign ID |
The campaign ID passed to the Write-a-Review form at the time the review was submitted. |
Category Name |
The category name of the product. |
Created Date |
The date a question was submitted. |
Disclosure Code |
Indicates if a specific review was associated with Sweepstakes or Sampling campaigns. |
Helpful |
The number of helpful votes on the review. |
Images Published |
The number of approved images attached to the review. |
Images Submitted |
The number of images submitted with the review. |
Is PWR Publishable |
The moderation status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Last Publication Modified Date |
The date the review was last moderated. |
Locale |
The language and country associated with the Review. |
Manufacturer ID |
The manufacturer ID (also known as manufacturer part number) of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Merchant Name |
The name of the merchant. |
Merchant Group ID |
The Group ID of the merchant. |
Merchant Group Name |
The name of the merchant group. |
Merchant Response |
The response given to the reviewer from the merchant for the submitted review. |
Merchant User Email ID |
The email associated to the merchant response |
Merchant User ID |
The ID of the reviewer as passed in by the merchant via the Collect Email. |
Not Helpful |
The number of not helpful votes on the review. |
Observation Names |
The observation code set by moderators. |
Observations |
The observation code set by moderators. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation. |
Order ID |
The order ID associated with the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Page ID Variant |
The unique ID of the product variant for the reviewed product. |
Price |
The price of the reviewed product. |
Product Name |
The name of the product for the submitted question. |
Promo Code |
The promo code associated with the review. |
Question Name |
The name of the question. |
Response |
The response to the question. |
Review Bottomline |
The answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Headline |
The headline of the review. |
Review Comments |
The comments on the review. |
Review Email |
The email address submitted with the review. |
Reviewer Type |
The type of reviewer that submitted the review. |
Review Location |
The location entered by the reviewer. |
Review Nickname |
The nickname submitted by the reviewer. |
Review Rating |
The star rating given on the review. |
Service Comments |
The service comments entered by the merchant on the submitted review. |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Source |
The source of the reviewer who wrote the review. |
Type |
The type of review (e.g. full, quick). |
The ID of the user-generated content. |
The UPC associated with the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Verified Reviewer Flag |
The true or false flag for whether or not the review was written by a verified reviewer (i.e. email has been provided). |
Videos Published |
The number of approved videos attached to the review. |
Videos Submitted |
The number of videos submitted with the review. |
New Reviews - Loyalty Program
Produces an incremental list of reviews based on the date the review was first published which is typically used to feed loyalty rewards programs. Subscriptions filtered to the date ‘Last Day’ and delivered on a daily schedule, will provide a complete and incremental feed of reviews based on the date of first publication.
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Date |
Filter by date that the review was first published |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
Filter by page id associated with reviewed product. To search for multiple page ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Campaign ID |
Filter by the campaign ID associated with a review. To search for multiple order ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Disclosure Code |
Filter by the disclosure code to find reviews generated from a Sampling or Sweepstakes campaign. |
Merchant User Email |
Filter by the email address provided that is passed to PowerReviews via the Write-a-Review form. |
Observations |
Filter by the Observation reason code set by the moderators. |
Order ID |
Filter by the Order ID associated with the reviewed product. To search for multiple order ids, enter comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Product Name |
Filter by the name of the product associated with a review using a keyword search. |
Review Bottomline |
Filter by the answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
Filter reviews by keywords found in review comments using a keyword search. To search multiple words, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Review Rating |
Filter by the star rating (1-5 stars) associated with the review. |
Reviewer Type |
Filter by the type of reviewer that submitted the review. For example, Anonymous, Verified Buyer, Verified Reviewer. |
Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by your team. |
Filter by a specific UGC id. To search for multiple UGC ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Incremental Add Date |
The date that the review was first published |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the reviewed product. |
Campaign ID |
The campaign ID passed to the Write-a-Review form at the time the review was submitted. |
Created Date |
The date a review was submitted. |
Disclosure Code |
The code stating if a specific review was associated with Sweepstakes or Sampling campaigns. |
Helpful |
The number of helpful votes on the review. |
Images Published |
The number of approved images attached to the review. |
Images Submitted |
The number of images submitted with the review. |
In stock Flag |
The in stock status of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Manufacturer ID |
The manufacturer ID (also known as manufacturer part number) of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Merchant Response |
The response given to the reviewer from the merchant for the submitted review. |
Merchant User Email |
The email address provided that is passed to PowerReviews via the Write-a-Review form. |
Merchant User ID |
The ID of the reviewer as passed in by the merchant via the Collect Email. |
Not Helpful |
The number of not helpful votes on the review. |
Observations |
The observation code set by moderators. |
Order ID |
The order ID associated with the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Page ID Variant |
The unique ID of the product variant for the reviewed product. |
Price |
The price of the reviewed product. |
Product Name |
The name of the product attached to the submitted review. |
Review Bottomline |
The answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
The comments on the review. |
Review Email |
The email address submitted with the review. |
Review Headline |
The headline of the review. |
Review Location |
The location entered by the reviewer. |
Review Nickname |
The nickname submitted by the reviewer. |
Review Rating |
The star rating given on the review. |
Reviewer Type |
The type of reviewer that submitted the review. |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Source |
The source of the reviewer who wrote the review. |
Type |
The type of review (e.g. full, quick). |
The ID of the user-generated content. |
The UPC associated with the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Verified Reviewer Flag |
The true or false flag for whether or not the review was written by a verified reviewer (i.e. email has been provided). |
Videos Published |
The number of approved videos attached to the review. |
Videos Submitted |
The number of videos submitted with the review. |
Outbound Syndication Current Partners
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the product from the product feed. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Average Rating |
The average rating for reviews (both collected natively on the display site and syndicated from partners) on products matched. |
Average Rating Display |
The average rating for reviews collected natively by the display site on products matched. |
Average Rating Syndicated |
The average rating for reviews collected natively by the display site on products matched. |
Display Products Matched |
The count of products matched on the display site. |
Display Products Receiving Reviews |
The count of products on the display site receiving reviews via syndication. |
Display Products Syndicated Reviews Only |
The count of products on the display site that have no native content, only syndicated content. |
Display Review Count |
The total reviews collected by the display partner on matched products. |
Display Review Coverage |
The percentage of matched products with native reviews collected on the display site. |
Incremental Coverage |
The incremental coverage in reviews for display products as a result of syndication |
Partner |
The name of Syndication Partner content is being shared to |
Reviews |
The sum of Reviews Syndicated and Display Review Count. |
Reviews Syndicated |
Total number of shared reviews. |
Reviews Syndicated 90 Day Change |
Change in the count of syndicated reviews by this partner in the last 90 days. |
Sharing Start Date |
The first date a review was shared. |
Syndicating Review Coverage |
The percentage of matched products receiving syndicated reviews. |
Outbound Syndication Products
There are no filters for Outbound Syndication Products.
Column Headers
The following table shows the available columns.
Column Header |
Description |
Average Rating |
The average rating for reviews (both collected natively on the display site and syndicated from partners) on products matched. |
Average Rating Display |
The average rating for reviews collected natively by the display site on products matched. |
Average Rating Syndicated |
The average rating for reviews collected by syndication on the display site on products matched. |
Display Brand Name |
The brand name of the page of the display site |
Display Page ID |
The Page ID of the product on display site receiving reviews. |
Display Product Name |
The name of the product on the display site receiving reviews. |
Display Review Count |
The total reviews collected by the display partner on matched products. |
Partner |
The name of Syndication Partner you’re sharing content with. |
Reviews |
The total sum of Reviews Syndicated and Display Review Count. |
Reviews Syndicated |
A count of all reviews that you have shared from your site. |
Reviews Syndicated 90 Day Change |
Change in the count of syndicated reviews by this partner in the last 90 days. |
Sharing Start Date |
The first date a review was shared. |
Syndicating Brand Name |
The brand name of the page of the display site |
Syndicating Page ID |
The Page ID of the product on display site receiving reviews. |
Pages - Collect
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Date |
The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Category |
Filters pages by category name. |
Brand |
Filters pages by brand name. |
Page ID |
Filters pages by page ID. |
Impressions |
Filters pages based on the number of impressions received during the given time period. |
Orders |
Filters pages based on the number of orders received during the given time period. |
Page Visits | The number of unique visitors for a particular product. |
Pageviews |
Filters pages based on the number of pageviews received during the given time period. |
Rating Range |
Filters pages falling within the range of the specified average rating of reviews submitted. |
Rating Range Published |
Filters pages falling within the range of the specified average rating of reviews published. |
Rating Range Unpublished |
Filters pages falling within the range of the specified average rating of reviews unpublished. |
Reviews Submitted |
Filters pages based on the number of submitted reviews during the time period you specify. |
Reviews Published |
Filters pages based on the number of published reviews during the time period you specify. |
Reviews Unpublished |
Filters pages based on the number of unpublished reviews during the time period you specify. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the page from the product feed. |
Category Hierarchy | A list of full hierarchy of categories. |
Category Name |
The category name of the page from the product feed. |
Conversion Rate |
The percent of pageviews that resulted in an order from a particular page. |
Impressions |
The number of impressions for that page during the given time period. |
Orders |
The number of order for a particular page. |
Page Name |
The name of the page. |
Page ID |
The unique ID of the page. |
Pageviews |
The number of unique visitors for a particular page. |
Product URL | The URL of the product. |
Reviews Published |
The number of published reviews of the reviews submitted during the time period. |
Reviews Submitted |
The number of reviews submitted during the time period. |
Reviews Unpublished |
The number of unpublished reviews of the reviews submitted during the time period. |
Rating |
The average rating of the reviews submitted for that page during the time period. |
Rating Published |
The average rating of the published reviews of the reviews submitted for that page during the time period. |
Rating Unpublished |
The average rating of unpublished reviews of the reviews submitted for that page during the time period. |
Pages - Display
The following tables show the available filters and columns. Many columns and filters can also be broken out by syndicated and native counts.
Filter Name |
Description |
Date |
The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Brand |
Filters pages by brand name. |
Page ID |
Filters pages by page ID. |
Impressions |
Filters pages based on the number of impressions received during the given time period. |
In Stock | Filter by In Stock stats of the reviewed product. |
Orders |
Filters pages based on the number of orders received during the given time period. |
Page Name | Filter by Page Name. |
Pageviews |
Filters pages based on the number of pageviews received during the given time period. |
Rating Range | Filter by a rang of Ratings. |
Rating Range Native | Filter by a range of Ratings collected natively. |
Rating Range Syndicated | Filter by a range of Ratings collected through syndication. |
Reviews Displayed | Filter by the number of reviews displayed. |
Reviews Displayed Native | Filter by the number of reviews displayed through native collection. |
Reviews Displayed Syndicated | Filter by the number of reviews displayed through syndication. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Answers Displayed | The number of answers displayed. |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the page from the product feed. |
Category Hierarchy | A list of full hierarchy of categories. |
Category Name |
The category name of the page from the product feed. |
Conversion Rate |
The percent of pageviews that resulted in an order from a particular page. |
Images Displayed | The number of images displayed. |
Images Displayed Native | The number of images displayed on your site from native collection. |
Images Displayed Syndicated | The number of images displayed on your site from syndicated collection. |
Impressions |
The number of impressions for that page during the given time period. |
In Stock | The In Stock status of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Last Activity Date | The date where the page last had activity. |
Maximum Review Created Date | The most recent date that a review was created. |
Maximum Review Display Created Date | The most recent created date of published reviews. |
Merchant Group | The name of the merchant group associated with the page display |
Orders |
The number of order for a particular page. |
Page Name |
The name of the page. |
Page ID |
The unique ID of the page. |
Pageviews |
The number of unique visitors for a particular page. |
Product URL | The URL of the product. |
Questions Displayed | The number of questions displayed on a page. |
Rating Displayed | The number of ratings displayed. |
Rating Displayed Native | The number of ratings displayed on your site from native collection. |
Rating Displayed Syndicated | The number of ratings displayed on your site from syndicated collection. |
Reviews Displayed | The number of reviews displayed. |
Reviews Displayed Native | The number of reviews displayed on your site from native collection. |
Reviews Displayed Syndicated | The number of reviews displayed on your site from syndicated collection. |
UPC | The UPC associated with the displayed product from the product feed. |
Videos Displayed | The number of videos displayed. |
Videos Displayed Native | The number of videos displayed on your site from native collection |
Videos Displayed Syndicated | The number of videos displayed on your site from syndicated collection. |
Pages Display Locales
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the product from the product feed. |
In Stock |
Filter by In Stock stats of the reviewed product. |
Locale |
Filter by the UGC locale. |
Page ID |
Filter by page id associated with reviewed product. To search for multiple page ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Page Name |
Filter by Page Name. |
Reviews Displayed |
Filter by the number of reviews displayed. |
Reviews Displayed Native |
Filter by the number of reviews displayed through native collection. |
Reviews Displayed Syndicated |
Filter by the number of reviews displayed through syndication. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the page from the product feed. |
Category Name |
The category name of the page from the product feed. |
Category Hierarchy |
A list of full hierarchy of categories from the product feed where the category is associated with the page. |
Conversion Rate |
The percent of pageviews that resulted in an order from a particular page. |
Impressions |
The number of impressions for that page. |
In Stock |
The In Stock status of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Last Activity Date |
The date that the page last had activity (pageviews, reviews submitted, or a change in publication on the page). |
Locale |
The language and country associated with the Review. |
Orders |
The number of orders for a particular page. |
Pageviews |
The number of unique visitors for a particular page. |
Page ID |
The unique ID of the page. |
Page Name |
The name of the page. |
Product URL |
The URL of the product. |
Rating Displayed |
The total number of ratings displayed. |
Rating Displayed Native |
The number of ratings displayed on your site from native collection. |
Rating Displayed Sampling |
The rating for reviews published from sampling campaigns. |
Rating Displayed Syndicated |
The number of ratings displayed on your site from syndication. |
Reviews Displayed |
The number of reviews displayed on your site. |
Reviews Displayed Native |
The number of reviews displayed on your site from native collection. |
Reviews Displayed Sampling |
The reviews published from sampling campaigns. |
Reviews Displayed Syndicated |
The number of reviews displayed on your site from syndication. |
Pages Display Over Time
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
The timeframe to evaluate changes in publication for each page. |
Brand |
Filters pages by brand name. |
Category |
Filters pages by category. |
Page ID |
Filters pages by page ID. |
Impressions |
Filters pages based on the number of impressions received during the given time period. |
In Stock |
Filter by In Stock stats of the reviewed product. |
Orders |
Filters pages based on the number of orders received during the given time period. |
Page Name |
Filter by Page Name. |
Pageviews |
Filters pages based on the number of pageviews received during the given time period. |
Rating Range End Date |
Filter by the number of ratings displayed at the selected End Date. |
Rating Range Native End Date |
Filter by the number of ratings displayed at the selected End Date through native collection. |
Rating Range Syndication End Date |
Filter by the number of ratings displayed at the selected End Date through syndication. |
Reviews Displayed End Date |
Filter by the number of reviews displayed between the Start Date and End Date. |
Reviews Displayed Native End Date |
Filter by the number of reviews displayed at the selected End Date through native collection. |
Reviews Displayed Syndication End Date |
Filter by the number of reviews displayed at the selected End Date through syndication. |
Reviews Displayed Change |
Filter by the change in the number of reviews displayed between the Start Date and End Date. |
Reviews Displayed Native Change |
Filter by the change in the number of reviews displayed between the Start Date and End Date through native collection. |
Reviews Displayed Syndication Change |
Filter by the change in the number of reviews displayed between the Start Date and End Date through syndication. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the page from the product feed. |
Category Name |
The category name of the page from the product feed. |
Category Hierarchy |
A list of full hierarchy of categories from the product feed where the category is associated with the page |
Conversion Rate |
The percent of pageviews that resulted in an order from a particular page. |
End Date Images Displayed |
The number of images displayed at the selected End Date. |
End Date Images Displayed Native |
The number of images displayed at the selected End Date through native collection. |
End Date Images Displayed Syndicated |
The number of images displayed at the selected End Date through syndication. |
End Date Rating Displayed |
The number of ratings displayed at the selected End Date. |
End Date Rating Displayed Native |
The number of ratings displayed at the selected End Date through native collection. |
End Date Rating Displayed Syndicated |
The number of ratings displayed at the selected End Date through syndication. |
End Date Reviews Displayed |
The number of reviews displayed at the selected End Date. |
End Date Reviews Displayed Native |
The number of reviews displayed at the selected End Date through native collection. |
End Date Reviews Displayed Syndicated |
The number of reviews displayed at the selected End Date through syndication. |
End Date Videos Displayed |
The number of videos displayed at the selected End Date. |
Images Displayed Change |
The change in the number of images displayed between the Start Date and End Date. |
Images Displayed Native Change |
The change in the number of images displayed between the Start Date and End Date through native collection. |
Images Displayed Syndicated Change |
The change in the number of images displayed between the Start Date and End Date through syndication. |
Impressions |
The number of impressions for that page during the given time period. |
In Stock |
The In Stock status of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Last Activity Date |
The date that the page last had activity (pageviews, reviews submitted, or a change in publication on the page). |
Orders |
The number of orders for a particular page. |
Page ID |
The unique ID of the page. |
Page Name |
The name of the page. |
Pageviews |
The number of unique visitors for a particular page. |
Product URL |
The URL of the product. |
Rating Displayed Change |
The change in the number of reviews displayed between the Start Date and End Date. |
Rating Displayed Native Change |
The change in the number of reviews displayed between the Start Date and End Date through native collection. |
Rating Displayed Syndicated Change |
The change in the number of reviews displayed between the Start Date and End Date through syndication. |
Start Date Images Displayed |
The number of images displayed at the selected Start Date. |
Start Date Images Displayed Native |
The number of images displayed at the selected Start Date through native collection. |
Start Date Images Displayed Syndicated |
The number of images displayed at the selected Start Date through syndication. |
Start Date Rating Displayed |
The number of ratings displayed at the selected Start Date. |
Start Date Rating Displayed Native |
The number of ratings displayed at the selected Start Date through native collection. |
Start Date Rating Displayed Syndicated |
The number of ratings displayed at the selected Start Date through syndication. |
Start Date Reviews Displayed |
The number of reviews displayed at the selected Start Date. |
Start Date Reviews Displayed Native |
The number of reviews displayed at the selected Start Date through native collection. |
Start Date Reviews Displayed Syndicated |
The number of reviews displayed at the selected Start Date through syndication. |
Start Date Videos Displayed |
The number of videos displayed at the selected Start Date. |
Start Date Videos Displayed Native |
The number of videos displayed at the selected Start Date through native collection. |
Start Date Videos Displayed Syndicated |
The number of videos displayed at the selected Start Date through syndication. |
Videos Displayed Change |
The change in the number of videos displayed between the Start Date and End Date. |
Videos Displayed Native Change |
The change in the number of videos displayed between the Start Date and End Date through native collection. |
Videos Displayed Syndicated Change |
The change in the number of videos displayed between the Start Date and End Date through syndication |
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Date |
The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Category |
Filters products by category name. |
Brand |
Filters products by brand name. |
Page ID |
Filters products by page ID. |
Impressions |
Filters products based on the number of impressions received during the given time period. |
Orders |
Filters products based on the number of orders received during the given time period. |
Pageviews |
Filters products based on the number of pageviews received during the given time period. |
Page ID Variant | The unique ID of the product variant for the reviewed product. |
UPC | The UPC associated with the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Reviews Submitted |
Filters products based on the number of submitted reviews during the time period you specify. |
Reviews Published |
Filters products based on the number of published reviews during the time period you specify. |
Reviews Unpublished |
Filters products based on the number of unpublished reviews during the time period you specify. |
Rating Range |
Filters products falling within the range of the specified average rating of reviews submitted. |
Rating Range Published |
Filters products falling within the range of the specified average rating of reviews published. |
Rating Range Unpublished |
Filters products falling within the range of the specified average rating of reviews unpublished |
Average Review Length |
Filters products by the average review length of submitted reviews during the given time period |
Average Review Length Published |
Filters products by the average review length of published reviews during the given time period |
Average Review Length Unpublished |
Filters products by the average review length of unpublished reviews during the given time period |
Images Submitted | Filters products based on the number of submitted images during the time period you specify. |
Images Published | Filters products based on the number of published images during the time period you specify. |
Images Unpublished | Filters products based on the number of unpublished images during the time period you specify. |
Videos Submitted | Filters products based on the number of submitted videos during the time period you specify. |
Videos Published | Filters products based on the number of published videos during the time period you specify. |
Videos Unpublished | Filters products based on the number of unpublished videos during the time period you specify. |
In Stock |
Filter by the in stock status of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Average Review Length |
The average review length of submitted reviews for a particular product |
Average Review Length Published |
The average review length of published reviews for a particular product |
Average Review Length Unpublished |
The average review length of unpublished reviews for a particular product |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product from the product feed. |
Bottomline No | The number of responses answered "No" to "Would you recommend?" |
Bottomline Yes | The number of responses answered "Yes" to "Would you recommend?" |
Bottomline Yes Percentage | The number of responses answered "Yes" divided by number of total responses to "Would you recommend?" |
Category Hierarchy | A list of full hierarchy of categories. |
Category Name |
The category name of the product from the product feed. |
Conversion Rate |
The percent of pageviews that resulted in an order from a particular product. |
Page ID |
The unique ID of the product. |
Page ID Variant |
The unique ID of the product variant. |
Product Name |
The name of the product. |
Images Published | The number of published images of the reviews published during the time period. |
Images Submitted | The number of images submitted with the review. |
Images Unpublished | The number of published images of the reviews unpublished during the time period. |
Impressions |
The number of impressions for that product during the given time period. |
In Stock |
The in stock status of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Manufacturer Model Number | Optional product identifier provided as part of the product feed. |
Merchant | The name of the merchant associated with the submitted review. |
Orders |
The number of orders for a particular product. |
Pageviews |
The number of unique visitors for a particular product. |
Product URL | The URL of the product. |
Rating |
The average rating of the reviews submitted for that product during the time period. |
Rating Published |
The average rating of published reviews of the reviews submitted for that product during the time period. |
Rating Unpublished |
The average rating of unpublished reviews of the reviews submitted for that product during the time period. |
Reviews Published |
The number of published reviews of the reviews submitted during the time period. |
Reviews Submitted |
The number of reviews submitted during the time period. |
Reviews Unpublished |
The number of unpublished reviews of the reviews submitted during the time period. |
UPC | The UPC associated with the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Videos Published | The number of published videos of the reviews published during the time period. |
Videos Submitted | The number of videos submitted with the review. |
Videos Unpublished | The number of published videos of the reviews unpublished during the time period. |
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Date | The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Category |
Filter by category of the products with questions. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the products with questions. |
Page ID |
Filter by page id associated with questions. To search for multiple page ids, enter comma-delimited list into textbox. |
Answered |
Filter by whether or not question has an approved answer. |
Filter by email associated with question. |
Is PWR Publishable |
Filter by the publication status set by your team. |
Observations | Filter by the Observation reason code set by your team. |
Question ID |
Filter by ID given to question. |
Question Keyword |
Filter by keyword in question text. To search for multiple keywords, enter comma-delimited list into |
Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Answered |
The status of the question in terms of whether it has approved answers. |
Asker Nickname |
The nickname provided by the customer who asked the question. |
Asker Location |
The location provided by the customer who asked the question. |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product for the submitted question. |
Category |
The category of the product associated with the question. |
Category Hierarchy | A list of full hierarchy of categories. |
Created Date |
The date a question was submitted. |
The email associated with the question. |
Expert Answer Count |
The number of expert answers provided for the question. |
Is PWR Publishable |
The moderation status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Last Publication Modification Date |
Date of last modification of the question. |
Locale |
The language and country associated with the Question. |
Observations Names | The full name for the associated Observation code. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Product Name |
The name of the product for the submitted question. |
Question Category Type |
The type of question (e.g. Product Quality, Customer Service, etc.). |
Question ID |
The unique ID of the submitted question. |
Question Text |
The text of the question. |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team. |
Questions Display
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Date | The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Category |
Filter by category of the products with questions. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the products with questions. |
Page ID |
Filter by page id associated with questions. To search for multiple page ids, enter comma-delimited list into textbox. |
Filter by email associated with question. |
In Stock Flag |
Filter by In Stock stats of the product. |
Locale |
Filter by the UGC locale. |
Observations | Filter by the Observation reason code set by your team. |
Page Name |
Filter by the Page Name. |
Publication Source |
Filter by the source of the question displayed (e.g. Native, Syndicated or Intra-site Syndicated). |
Question ID |
Filter by ID given to question. |
Question Keyword |
Filter by keyword in question text. To search for multiple keywords, enter comma-delimited list into |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Asker Nickname |
The nickname provided by the customer who asked the question. |
Asker Location |
The location provided by the customer who asked the question. |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product for the submitted question. |
Category |
The category of the product associated with the question. |
Category Hierarchy | A list of full hierarchy of categories. |
Collected Merchant |
The Merchant where the question was collected from. |
Collected Merchant Group |
The name of the merchant group that originally collected the question. |
Collected Page ID |
The unique ID for the page that the question was collected from. |
Created Date |
The date a question was submitted. |
The email associated with the question. |
Helpful |
The number of helpful votes on the question. |
Locale |
The language and country associated with the Question. |
Not Helpful |
The number of not helpful votes on the question. |
Observations |
The observation code set by the moderators. |
Observations Names | The full name for the associated Observation code. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Page Name |
The name of the page. |
Publication Source |
The source of the review displayed (e.g. Native, Syndicated or Intra-site Syndicated). |
Question Category Type |
The type of question (e.g. Product Quality, Customer Service, etc.). |
Question ID |
The unique ID of the submitted question. |
Question Text |
The text of the question. |
Review Searches
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Category |
Filter by category of the products. |
Brand |
Filter pages by brand name. |
Page ID |
Filter pages by page ID. |
Page Name |
Filter by Page Name. |
Search Team |
Filter by Search Team. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the page from the product feed. |
Category Name |
The category name of the page from the product feed. |
Category Hierarchy |
A list of full hierarchy of categories from the product feed where the category is associated with the page. |
Merchant Group ID |
The unique identifier of the merchant group. |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the page passed in the product feed. |
Page Name |
The name of the page. |
Search Term |
The search term for the review. |
Searches |
The number of searches associated to the search term. |
The UPC associated with the displayed product from the product feed. |
Reviewer Type Detail
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Anonymous |
The number of reviews collected from unverified users. |
Date |
The date that the review was collected. |
Total Reviews |
The total number of reviews collected. |
Verified Buyer |
The number of reviews collected from verified buyers. |
Verified Reviewers |
The number of reviews collected from verified reviewers. |
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
Filter by page id associated with reviewed product. To search for multiple page ids, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Page ID Variant |
Filter by the unique ID of the product variant for the reviewed product. |
Campaign ID |
Filter by the campaign ID associated with a review. To search for multiple order ids, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Disclosure Code |
Filter by the disclosure code to find reviews generated from a Sampling or Sweepstakes campaign. |
Is PWR Publishable |
Filter by the publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team. |
Location |
Filter by the location submitted with the review using a keyword search. |
Observations |
Filter by the Observation reason code set by your team. |
Order ID |
Filter by the Order ID associated with the reviewed product. To search for multiple order ids, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Product ID |
Filter by the product id associated with reviewed product. To search for multiple product ids, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Product Name |
Filter by the name of the product associated with a review using a keyword search. |
Review Bottomline |
Filter by the answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
Filter reviews by keywords found in review comments using a keyword search. To search multiple words, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Review Email |
Filter by the email address associated with a review. To search for multiple emails, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Reviewer Type |
Filter by the type of reviewer that submitted the review. For example, Anonymous, Verified Buyer, Verified Reviewer. |
Review Rating |
Filter by the star rating (1-5 stars) associated with the review. |
Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by your team. |
Filter by a specific UGC id. To search for multiple UGC ids, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Badges | The type of icon that appears on the Review Display. |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the reviewed product. |
Campaign ID |
The campaign ID passed to the Write-a-Review form at the time the review was submitted. |
Category Hierarchy | A list of the full hierarchy of categories. |
Created Date |
The date a review was submitted. |
Created Day of Week |
The name of the day from the created date of the review. |
Created Month |
The name of the month from the created date of the review. |
Created Month of Year |
The month number from the created date of the review. |
Created Quarter |
The quarter number from the created date of the review. |
Created Week |
The week number from the created date of the review. |
Created Year |
The year number from the created date of the review. |
Disclosure Code |
The code stating if a specific review was associated with Sweepstakes or Sampling campaigns. |
Discontinued Flag |
The discontinuation status of the reviewed product. |
Helpful |
The number of helpful votes on the review. |
Images Published |
The number of approved images attached to the review. |
Images Submitted |
The number of images submitted with the review. |
In Stock Flag |
The in stock status of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Is PWR Publishable |
The moderation status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Last Publication Modified Date |
The date the review was last moderated |
Last Publication Modified Month |
The month the review was last moderated |
Last Publication Modified Year |
The year the review was last moderated |
Locale |
The language and country associated with the Review. |
Manufacturer ID |
The manufacturer ID (also known as manufacturer part number) of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Manufacturer Model Number | An optional product identifier provided as part of the product feed. |
Merchant |
The name of the merchant associated with the submitted review. |
Merchant Group |
The name of the merchant group associated with the submitted review. |
Merchant Response |
The response given to the reviewer from the merchant for the submitted review. |
Merchant User ID |
The ID of the reviewer as passed in by the merchant via the Follow-Up Email. |
Model Name |
The model name of the reviewed product. |
Not Helpful |
The number of not helpful votes on the review. |
Observations |
The observation code set by moderators. |
Observations Names | The full name for the associated Observation code. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation |
Order ID |
The order ID associated with the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Page ID Variant |
The unique ID of the product variant for the reviewed product. |
Price |
The price of the reviewed product. |
Prod Root Category |
The root category of the reviewed product |
Prod Sub Category 1 |
The subcategory level 1 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 2 |
The subcategory level 2 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 3 |
The subcategory level 3 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 4 |
The subcategory level 4 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 5 |
The subcategory level 5 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 6 |
The subcategory level 6 of the reviewed product. |
Product Name |
The name of the product attached to the submitted review. |
Promo Code |
The promo code associated with the review. |
Power ID |
The model ID of the reviewed product. |
Rating Only | A true/false value to indicate if the data is ratings only (e.g. review comments would be unpopulated). |
Review Bottomline |
The answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
The comments on the review. |
Review Email |
The email address submitted with the review. |
Reviewer Type |
The type of reviewer that submitted the review. |
Review Headline |
The headline of the review. |
Review Location |
The location entered by the reviewer. |
Review ID |
The unique ID of the submitted review. |
Review Nickname |
The nickname submitted by the reviewer. |
Review Rating |
The star rating given on the review. |
Service Comments |
The service comments entered by the merchant on the submitted review. |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team. |
Source |
The source of the reviewer who wrote the review. |
Sub Brand Name |
The name of the sub brand of the reviewed product. |
Type |
The type of review (e.g. full, quick). |
The ID of the user-generated content. |
The UPC associated with the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Verified Reviewer Flag |
The true or false flag for whether or not the review was written by a verified reviewer (i.e. email has been provided). |
Videos Published |
The number of approved videos attached to the review. |
Videos Submitted |
The number of videos submitted with the review. |
Reviews Display
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date | The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the reviewed product from your product feed. |
Page ID |
Filter by the page ID associated with the reviewed product. |
Disclosure Code |
Filter by the disclosure code, to find reviews generated from a Sampling or Sweepstakes campaign. |
In Stock Flag |
Filter by In Stock stats of the reviewed product. |
Locale |
Filter by the UGC locale. |
Location |
Filter by the location submitted with the review, using a keyword search. |
Observations |
Filter by the Observation reason code set by the moderators. |
Page Name |
Filter by the Page Name. |
Publication Source |
Filter by the source of the review displayed (e.g. Native, Syndicated or Intra-site Syndicated). |
Review Bottomline |
Filter by the answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
Filter reviews by keywords found in review comments, using a keyword search. To search multiple words, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Review Ratings |
Filter by the star rating (1-5 stars) associated with the review. |
Reviewer Type |
Filter by the type of reviewer that submitted the review. For example, Anonymous, Verified Buyer, Verified Reviewer. |
Filter by a specific UGC id. To search for multiple UGC ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Badges |
The type of icon that appears on the Review Display. |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the reviewed product. |
Category |
The category name of the page from the product feed. |
Category Hierarchy |
A list of full hierarchy of categories from the product feed where the category is associated with the page. |
Collected Merchant |
The Merchant where the review was collected from. |
Collected Merchant Group |
The name of the merchant group that originally collected the review. |
Collect Page ID |
The unique ID for the page that the review was collected from. |
Created Date |
The date the review was created. |
Disclosure Code |
The code stating whether a specific review was associated with Sweepstakes or Sampling campaigns. |
Helpful |
The number of helpful votes on the review. |
In Stock Flag |
The In Stock status of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Locale |
The language and country associated with the review. |
Manufacturer Model Number |
An optional product identifier, provided as part of the product feed. |
Merchant Group |
The name of the merchant group associated with the submitted review. |
Not Helpful |
The number of not helpful votes on the review. |
Observations |
The observation code set by the moderators. |
Observation Names |
The full name for the associated observation. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation. |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Page Name |
The name of the page. |
Price |
The price of the reviewed product. |
Promo Code |
The promo code associated with the review. |
Publication Source |
The source of the review displayed (e.g. Native, Syndicated or Intra-site Syndicated). |
Review Bottomline |
The answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
The comments on the review. |
Review Headline |
The headline of the review. |
Review Location |
The location entered by the reviewer. |
Review Nickname |
The nickname submitted by the reviewer. |
Review Rating |
The star rating given on the review. |
Reviewer Type |
The type of reviewer that submitted the review. |
Source |
The source of the reviewer who wrote the review. |
Type |
The type of review (e.g. full, quick). |
The ID of the user-generated content. |
The UPC associated with the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Reviews Updated
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date | The timeframe of the original review to be evaluated. |
Merchant User Email | Filter by the merchant user email associated with the review. |
Review Comments |
Filter reviews by keywords found in review comments of the original review, using a keyword search. To search multiple words, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Review Rating |
Filter by the star rating (1-5 stars) associated with the original review. |
Filter by a specific UGC id of the original review. To search for multiple UGC ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
UGC ID (Updated) |
Filter by a specific UGC id of the updated review. To search for multiple UGC ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Created Date |
The date the original review was created. |
Created Date (Updated) |
The date the updated review was created. |
Merchant |
The name of the merchant associated with the submitted review. |
Merchant Response |
The response given to the reviewer from the merchant for the submitted review. |
Merchant Response Email |
The merchant user email of the reviewer. |
Review Comments |
The comments on the original review. |
Review Comments (Updated) |
The comments on the updated review. |
Review Headline |
The headline of the original review. |
Review Headline (Updated) |
The headline of the updated review. |
Review Rating |
The star rating given on the original review. |
Review Rating (Updated) |
The star rating given on the updated review. |
The ID of the user-generated content of the original review |
UGC ID (Updated) |
The ID of the user-generated content of the updated review |
RRC Reviews
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
Filter by page id associated with reviewed product. To search for multiple page ids, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Page ID Variant |
Filter by the unique ID of the product variant for the reviewed product. |
Campaign ID |
Filter by the campaign ID associated with a review. To search for multiple order ids, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Disclosure Code |
Filter by the disclosure code to find reviews generated from a Sampling or Sweepstakes campaign. |
In Stock Flag |
Filter by In Stock stats of the reviewed product. |
Is PWR Publishable |
Filter by the publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team. |
Location |
Filter by the location submitted with the review using a keyword search. |
Observations |
Filter by the Observation reason code set by your team. |
Order ID |
Filter by the Order ID associated with the reviewed product. To search for multiple order ids, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Product ID |
Filter by the product id associated with reviewed product. To search for multiple product ids, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Product Name |
Filter by the name of the product associated with a review using a keyword search. |
Review Bottomline |
Filter by the answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
Filter reviews by keywords found in review comments using a keyword search. To search multiple words, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Review Email |
Filter by the email address associated with a review. To search for multiple emails, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Reviewer Type |
Filter by the type of reviewer that submitted the review. For example, Anonymous, Verified Buyer, Verified Reviewer. |
Review Rating |
Filter by the star rating (1-5 stars) associated with the review. |
Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by your team. |
Filter by a specific UGC id. To search for multiple UGC ids, enter comma-delimited list into text box. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Badges | The type of icon that appears on the Review Display. |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the reviewed product. |
Campaign ID |
The campaign ID passed to the Write-a-Review form at the time the review was submitted. |
Category Hierarchy | A list of the full hierarchy of categories. |
Created Date |
The date a review was submitted. |
Created Day of Week |
The name of the day from the created date of the review. |
Created Month |
The name of the month from the created date of the review. |
Created Month of Year |
The month number from the created date of the review. |
Created Quarter |
The quarter number from the created date of the review. |
Created Week |
The week number from the created date of the review. |
Created Year |
The year number from the created date of the review. |
Disclosure Code |
The code stating if a specific review was associated with Sweepstakes or Sampling campaigns. |
Helpful |
The number of helpful votes on the review. |
Images Published |
The number of approved images attached to the review. |
Images Submitted |
The number of images submitted with the review. |
In Stock Flag |
The in stock status of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Is PWR Publishable |
The moderation status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Last Publication Modified Date |
The date the review was last moderated |
Last Publication Modified Month |
The month the review was last moderated |
Last Publication Modified Year |
The year the review was last moderated |
Locale |
The language and country associated with the Review. |
Manufacturer Model Number | An optional product identifier provided as part of the product feed. |
Merchant |
The name of the merchant associated with the submitted review. |
Merchant Group |
The name of the merchant group associated with the submitted review. |
Merchant User ID |
The ID of the reviewer as passed in by the merchant via the Follow-Up Email. |
Not Helpful |
The number of not helpful votes on the review. |
Observations |
The observation code set by moderators. |
Observations Names | The full name for the associated Observation code. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation |
Order ID |
The order ID associated with the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Page ID Variant |
The unique ID of the product variant for the reviewed product. |
Price |
The price of the reviewed product. |
Prod Root Category |
The root category of the reviewed product |
Prod Sub Category 1 |
The subcategory level 1 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 2 |
The subcategory level 2 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 3 |
The subcategory level 3 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 4 |
The subcategory level 4 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 5 |
The subcategory level 5 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 6 |
The subcategory level 6 of the reviewed product. |
Product Name |
The name of the product attached to the submitted review. |
Promo Code |
The promo code associated with the review. |
Review Bottomline |
The answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
The comments on the review. |
Review Email |
The email address submitted with the review. |
Review Headline |
The headline of the review. |
Review Location |
The location entered by the reviewer. |
Review ID |
The unique ID of the submitted review. |
Review Nickname |
The nickname submitted by the reviewer. |
Review Rating |
The star rating given on the review. |
Reviewer Type |
The type of reviewer that submitted the review. |
Service Comments |
The service comments entered by the merchant on the submitted review. |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team. |
Source |
The source of the reviewer who wrote the review. |
Type |
The type of review (e.g. full, quick). |
The ID of the user-generated content. |
The UPC associated with the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Verified Reviewer Flag |
The true or false flag for whether or not the review was written by a verified reviewer (i.e. email has been provided). |
Videos Published |
The number of approved videos attached to the review. |
Videos Submitted |
The number of videos submitted with the review. |
Sampling Campaigns
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Rating Range |
Filter by a range of Ratings. |
Reviews Collected |
Filter by the sum of reviews collected for a sampling campaign. |
Sampling Campaign ID |
Filter by the ID of the sampling campaign through which this review was collected. |
Sampling Campaign Name |
Filter by the name of the sampling campaign through which this review was collected. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Average Rating |
The average rating of all reviews collected through the PowerReviews Sampling campaign. |
Campaign Completion Date |
The date that the PowerReviews' Sampling campaign was completed. |
Campaign Launch Date |
The date that the PowerReviews' Sampling campaign was launched. |
Completion Rate |
The average completion rate for your campaign. This is calculated as (Samples Sent) / (Reviews Collected). |
Number of Products |
The total number of products sent through PowerReviews Sampling. |
Reviews Collected |
The total number of reviews collected through the PowerReviews' Sampling campaign. |
Samples Sent |
Total number of samples sent through PowerReviews' Sampling. |
Sampling Campaign ID |
The ID of the sampling campaign through which this review was collected. |
Sampling Campaign Name |
The name of the sampling campaign through which the review was collected. |
Would Recommend Percentage |
The average rate that reviewers indicated they would recommend the products for your campaign. |
Sampling Products
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Category |
Filter products by category name. |
Brand |
Filter products by brand name. |
Page ID |
Filter products by page ID. |
Product Name |
Filter products by product name. |
Rating Range |
Filter products falling within the range of the specified average rating of reviews submitted. |
Reviews Collected |
Filter products based on the number of collected reviews during the time period you specify. |
Sampling Campaign ID |
Filter by ID of the sampling campaign through which the review was collected. |
Sampling Campaign Name |
Filter by the name of the sampling campaign through which the review was collected. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Average Rating |
Average rating of all reviews collected through the PowerReviews' Sampling campaign. |
Brand Name |
The name of the brand from the product feed. |
Campaign Completion Date |
The date that the PowerReviews' Sampling campaign was completed. |
Campaign Launch Date |
The date that the PowerReviews' Sampling campaign was launched. |
Category Name |
The category name of the product from the product feed. |
Completion Rate |
The average completion rate for your campaign. This is calculated as (Samples Sent) / (Reviews Collected). |
Page ID |
The unique ID of the page. |
Product Name |
The name of the product. |
Reviews Collected |
The total number of reviews collected through the PowerReviews' Sampling campaign. |
Samples Sent |
The total number of samples sent through PowerReviews' Sampling. |
Sampling Campaign ID |
The ID of the sampling campaign through which this review was collected. |
Sampling Campaign Name |
The name of the sampling campaign through which the review was collected. |
Would Recommend Percentage |
The percentage of reviewers who indicated they would recommend the products for your campaign. |
Sampling Reviews
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
Filter by the page ID associated with the reviewed product. |
Email Campaign ID |
Filter by the ID of the email campaign. |
Is PWR Publishable |
Filer by the publication status set by the PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Location |
Filter by the location submitted with the review, using a keyword search. |
Merchant User Email |
Filter by the merchant user email associated with the review. |
Observations |
Filter by reviews with specific observation code(s). |
Order ID |
Filter by the Order ID associated with the reviewed product. To search for multiple order ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Product Name |
Filter by the name of the product associated with a review, using a keyword search. |
Review Bottomline |
Filter by the answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
Filter reviews by keywords found in the review comments, using a keyword search. To search for multiple order ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Review Email |
Filter by the email address associated with a review. To search for multiple emails, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Reviewer Type |
Filter by the type of reviewer that submitted the review. For example, Anonymous, Verified Buyer, Verified Reviewer. |
Review Rating |
Filter by the star rating (1-5 stars) associated with the review. |
Sampling Campaign ID |
Filter by the ID of the sampling campaign associated with the review. |
Sampling Campaign Name |
Filter by the name of the sampling campaign associated with the review. |
Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by the PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Filter by the ID of the user-generated content. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the reviewed product. |
Created Date |
The date a review was submitted. |
Created Day of Week |
The name of the day from the created date of the review. |
Created Month |
The name of the month from the created date of the review. |
Created Month of Year |
The month number from the created date of the review. |
Created Quarter |
The quarter number from the created date of the review. |
Created Week |
The week number from the created date of the review. |
Created Year |
The year number from the created date of the review. |
Disclosure Code |
The code stating whether a specific review was associated with Sweepstakes or Sampling campaign. |
Email Campaign ID |
The ID of the email campaign. |
Helpful |
The number of helpful votes on the review. |
Images Published |
The number of approved images attached to the review. |
Images Submitted |
The number of images submitted with the review. |
In Stock Flag |
The in stock status of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Is PWR Publishable |
The moderation status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Last Publication Modified Date |
The date the review was last moderated. |
Last Publication Modified Month |
The month the review was last moderated. |
Last Publication Modified Year |
The year the review was last moderated. |
Manufacturer ID |
The manufacturer ID (also known as manufacturer part number) of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Merchant Group Name |
The name of the merchant group associated with the submitted review. |
Merchant Name |
The name of the merchant associated with the submitted review. |
Merchant Response |
The response given to the reviewer from the merchant for the submitted review. |
Merchant User Email |
The merchant user email of the reviewer . |
Merchant User ID |
The ID of the reviewer as passed in by the merchant via the Collect Email. |
Not Helpful |
The number of not helpful votes on the review. |
Observation Names |
The full name for the associated observation code. |
Observations |
The observation code set by the moderators. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation. |
Order ID |
The order ID associated with the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the page passed in the product feed. |
Page ID Variant |
The unique ID of the product variant for the reviewed product. |
Price |
The price of the reviewed product. |
Prod Root Category |
The root category of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 1 |
The subcategory level 1 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 2 |
The subcategory level 2 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 3 |
The subcategory level 3 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 4 |
The subcategory level 4 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 5 |
The subcategory level 5 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 6 |
The subcategory level 6 of the reviewed product. |
Product Name |
The name of the product attached to the submitted review. |
Promo Code |
The promo code associated with the review. |
Review Rating |
The star rating given on the review. |
Review Headline |
The headline of the review. |
Review Comments |
The comments on the review. |
Review Bottomline |
The answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Location |
The location entered by the reviewer. |
Reviewer Type |
The type of reviewer that submitted the review. |
Review Email |
The email address submitted with the review. |
Sampling Campaign ID |
The ID of the sampling campaign through which the review was collected. |
Sampling Campaign Name |
The name of the sampling campaign through which the review was collected. |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team. |
Review ID |
The unique ID of the submitted review. |
Review Nickname |
The nickname submitted by the reviewer. |
Service Comments |
The service comments entered by the merchant on the submitted review. |
Source |
The source of the reviewer who wrote the review. |
Type |
The type of review (e.g. full, quick). |
Verified Reviewer Flag |
The true or false flag for whether or not the review was written by a verified reviewer (i.e. email has been provided). |
The ID of the user-generated content. |
The UPC associated wit the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Videos Published |
The number of approved videos attached to the review. |
Videos Submitted |
The number of videos submitted with the review. |
Sampling Reviews and Media
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name | Description |
Date |
The timeframe to be evaluated. |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed. |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
Filter by the page ID associated with the reviewed product. |
Email Campaign ID |
Filter by the ID of the email campaign. |
Is PWR Publishable |
Filer by the publication status set by the PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Location |
Filter by the location submitted with the review, using a keyword search. |
Media Caption |
Filter by the caption associated to the image/video. |
Media Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by your team. |
Media Type |
Filter by the media type. |
Media UGC ID |
Filter by a specific UGC id. To search for multiple UGC ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Merchant User Email |
Filter by the merchant user email associated with the review. |
Observations |
Filter by reviews with specific observation code(s). |
Order ID |
Filter by the Order ID associated with the reviewed product. To search for multiple order ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Product Name |
Filter by the name of the product associated with a review, using a keyword search. |
Review Bottomline |
Filter by the answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
Filter reviews by keywords found in the review comments, using a keyword search. To search for multiple order ids, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Review Email |
Filter by the email address associated with a review. To search for multiple emails, enter a comma-delimited list into the text box. |
Reviewer Type |
Filter by the type of reviewer that submitted the review. For example, Anonymous, Verified Buyer, Verified Reviewer. |
Review Rating |
Filter by the star rating (1-5 stars) associated with the review. |
Sampling Campaign ID |
Filter by the ID of the sampling campaign associated with the review. |
Sampling Campaign Name |
Filter by the name of the sampling campaign associated with the review. |
Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by the PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Filter by the ID of the user-generated content. |
Column Headers
Column Header | Description |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the reviewed product. |
Created Date |
The date a review was submitted. |
Created Day of Week |
The name of the day from the created date of the review. |
Created Month |
The name of the month from the created date of the review. |
Created Month of Year |
The month number from the created date of the review. |
Created Quarter |
The quarter number from the created date of the review. |
Created Week |
The week number from the created date of the review. |
Created Year |
The year number from the created date of the review. |
Disclosure Code |
The code stating whether a specific review was associated with Sweepstakes or Sampling campaign. |
Email Campaign ID |
The ID of the email campaign. |
Helpful |
The number of helpful votes on the review. |
Images Published |
The number of approved images attached to the review. |
Images Submitted |
The number of images submitted with the review. |
In Stock Flag |
The in stock status of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Is PWR Publishable |
The moderation status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Last Publication Modified Date |
The date the review was last moderated. |
Last Publication Modified Month |
The month the review was last moderated. |
Last Publication Modified Year |
The year the review was last moderated. |
Manufacturer ID |
The manufacturer ID (also known as manufacturer part number) of the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Media Caption |
The caption for the medium. |
Media Site Status |
The publication status of the image/video set by PowerReviews Moderation Team. |
Media Type |
The media type (image or video). |
Media UGC ID |
The ID of the user-generated content. |
Media URL |
The URL of the medium. |
Merchant Group Name |
The name of the merchant group associated with the submitted review. |
Merchant Name |
The name of the merchant associated with the submitted review. |
Merchant Response |
The response given to the reviewer from the merchant for the submitted review. |
Merchant User Email |
The merchant user email of the reviewer . |
Merchant User ID |
The ID of the reviewer as passed in by the merchant via the Collect Email. |
Not Helpful |
The number of not helpful votes on the review. |
Observation Names |
The full name for the associated observation code. |
Observations |
The observation code set by the moderators. |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation. |
Order ID |
The order ID associated with the reviewed product. |
Page ID |
The unique ID for the page passed in the product feed. |
Page ID Variant |
The unique ID of the product variant for the reviewed product. |
Price |
The price of the reviewed product. |
Prod Root Category |
The root category of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 1 |
The subcategory level 1 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 2 |
The subcategory level 2 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 3 |
The subcategory level 3 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 4 |
The subcategory level 4 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 5 |
The subcategory level 5 of the reviewed product. |
Prod Sub Category 6 |
The subcategory level 6 of the reviewed product. |
Product Name |
The name of the product attached to the submitted review. |
Promo Code |
The promo code associated with the review. |
Review Rating |
The star rating given on the review. |
Review Headline |
The headline of the review. |
Review Comments |
The comments on the review. |
Review Bottomline |
The answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Location |
The location entered by the reviewer. |
Reviewer Type |
The type of reviewer that submitted the review. |
Review Email |
The email address submitted with the review. |
Sampling Campaign ID |
The ID of the sampling campaign through which the review was collected. |
Sampling Campaign Name |
The name of the sampling campaign through which the review was collected. |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team. |
Review ID |
The unique ID of the submitted review. |
Review Nickname |
The nickname submitted by the reviewer. |
Service Comments |
The service comments entered by the merchant on the submitted review. |
Source |
The source of the reviewer who wrote the review. |
Type |
The type of review (e.g. full, quick). |
Verified Reviewer Flag |
The true or false flag for whether or not the review was written by a verified reviewer (i.e. email has been provided). |
The ID of the user-generated content. |
The UPC associated wit the reviewed product from the product feed. |
Videos Published |
The number of approved videos attached to the review. |
Videos Submitted |
The number of videos submitted with the review. |
Sentiment Analytics Reviews
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Date |
The review created date timeframe to be evaluated. |
Category | Filters products by category name. |
Brand | Filters products by brand name. |
Page ID | Filters products by page ID. |
Topic | Filters reviews by topic mentioned. |
Sentiment | Filter reviews by sentiment associated with the topic mentioned. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Created Date | The date a review was submitted. |
Descriptor | Descriptive terms linked to the Topic (If available). |
Descriptor Part Of Speech | Language classification of descriptor (Adjective, Adverb, or Verb). |
Full Review | The complete review comments where Topic was detected. |
Moderation Link | The link to moderation for the review. |
Page ID | The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Product Brand | The brand name of the reviewed product. |
Product Category | The category of the product associated with the product. |
Product Name | The name of the product attached to the submitted review. |
Product URL | The URL of the product. |
Publication Status | Indicates whether the review is published. |
Review Email | The email address submitted with the review. |
Review Rating | The star rating given on the review. |
Sentence Number | Full reviews are broken into numbered sentences. This is the sentence where the Topic was detected. |
Sentence | Text of only the sentence where the Topic was detected. |
Sentiment | Indicates whether the review is positive, negative, neutral or mixed (both positive and negative). |
Topic | Keywords mentioned in reviews as extracted and summarized by PowerReviews Natural Language Processing (NLP). |
UGC ID | The ID of the user-generated content. |
Share to Amazon
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Date |
The timeframe to be evaluated |
Category |
Filter by categories from your product feed |
Brand |
Filter by the brand name of the reviewed product |
Page ID |
Filter by page id associated with reviewed product. To search for multiple page ids, enter comma-delimited list into text box |
Disclosure Code |
Filter by the disclosure code to find reviews generated from a Sampling or Sweepstakes campaign |
In Stock Flag |
Filter by In Stock stats of the reviewed product |
Is PWR Publishable |
Filter by the publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team |
Location |
Filter by the location submitted with the review using a keyword search |
Observations |
Filter by reviews with specific observation code(s) |
Product Name |
Filter by name of the product |
Review Bottomline |
Filter by the answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
Filter reviews by keywords found in review comments using a keyword search. To search multiple words, enter comma-delimited list into text box |
Review Email |
Filter by the email address associated with a review. To search for multiple emails, enter comma-delimited list into text box |
Reviewer Type |
Filter by the type of reviewer that submitted the review. For example, Anonymous, Verified Buyer, Verified Reviewer |
Review Rating |
Filter by the star rating (1-5 stars) associated with the review |
Site Status |
Filter by the publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team |
Filter by a specific UGC id. To search for multiple UGC ids, enter comma-delimited list into the text box |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Amazon ASIN |
The Amazon ASIN that the review was shared to. This field links out to the product on |
Amazon Review ID |
The Amazon Review ID of the shared review. This field links out to the review on |
Brand Name |
The brand name of the product for the review being shared to Amazon as defined by the product feed |
Category Hierarchy |
A list of full hierarchy of categories from the product feed |
Created Date |
The date the review was created |
Disclosure Code |
The code stating if a specific review was associated with Sweepstakes or Sampling campaigns |
Is PWR Publishable |
The moderation status set by PowerReviews Moderation Team |
Last Publication Modified Date |
The date the review was last updated |
Merchant |
The name of the merchant associated with the submitted review |
Merchant Group |
The name of the merchant group associated with the submitted review |
Observations |
The observation code set by moderators |
Observations Names |
The full name for the associated observation codes |
Observed By |
The moderator associated with the observation |
Page ID |
The unique ID of the page that the review was collected on |
Page ID Variant |
The unique ID of the product variant for the reviewed product as defined by the product feed |
Product Name |
The product name of the product for the review being shared to Amazon as defined by the product feed |
Review Bottomline |
The answer to the question, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" |
Review Comments |
The comments on the review |
Review Email |
The email address submitted with the review |
Reviewer Type |
The type of reviewer that submitted the review. For example, Anonymous, Verified Buyer, Verified Reviewer |
Review Headline |
The headline of the review |
Review Location |
The location entered by the reviewer |
Review Nickname |
The nickname submitted by the reviewer |
Review Rating |
The star rating given on the review |
Site Status |
The publication status set by PowerReviews moderation team |
Source |
The source of the reviewer who wrote the review. For example, (e.g. web, email, etc.) |
Type |
The type of review (e.g. full, quick) |
The ID of the user-generated content |
Verified Reviewer Flag |
The true or false flag for whether or not the review was written by a verified reviewer (i.e. email has been provided) |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Click Rate | The number of clicks on the review form of a SMS divided by the number of SMS sent. |
Clicks | The number of clicks on the review form link in the SMS. |
Failed | The number of SMS messages that could not be sent due to various reasons (e.g. queue overflows, account suspensions, media errors). |
Failed Rate | The rate at which SMS messages failed out of the number sent. |
Reviews Written | The number of reviews written from SMS collection. |
Review Completion Rate | The percentage of reviews written out of the total number of SMS. |
Sent | The number of SMS sent. |
Sent Date | The date when the SMS was sent. |
Undelivered | The number of SMS messages that weren’t delivered due to various reasons (e.g. carrier content filtering, etc.). |
Undelivered Rate | The rate at which SMS messages weren’t delivered out of the number sent. |
Unique Click Rate | The number of unique users who clicked the email divided by the number of SMS sent. |
Unique Clicks | The number of unique users who clicked the review form link in the SMS. |
Tag Detail
The following tables show the available filters and columns.
Filter Name |
Description |
Date |
Filters Tags by Date. |
Category ID |
Filters pages by Category ID. |
Brand ID |
Filters pages by Brand ID. |
Page ID |
Filters pages by Page ID. |
Column Headers
Column Header |
Description |
Answers | The answer for a submitted question. |
Brand Name | The band name of the reviewed product. |
Category Name | The category name of the product from the product feed. |
Page ID | The unique ID for the product passed in the product feed. |
Product Name | The name of the product. |
Question Name | The name of the tag question. |
Response | The response to the tag question. |
Tag Count |
The number of reviews that selected the chosen value for the given tag type. |