The Merchant-Specific Questions (MSQs) dashboard shows the trend and breakout of responses to MSQs collected via your review forms. For questions with a low number of responses, look at numbers directionally.
Merchant Specific Questions
The Merchant Specific Questions section provides a high-level look at the performance of your non-standard review form questions as well as a trend of MSQs collected.
- Reviews - The number of reviews with responses to MSQs collected in the selected date range
- Rating - The average rating of the reviews with responses to MSQs collected in the selected date range
- Pages - The number of pages that have reviews with responses to MSQs
- Responses - The number of responses collected across reviews. Responses may be greater than reviews for questions that allow multiple responses (ie., Select all that apply questions).
Questions and Responses
The Questions and Responses section shows the number of reviews with responses to each question, as well as the responses breakout with the associated average rating of reviews with each response. For questions that allow multiple responses (ie., Select all that apply questions), the percentage of reviews with a specific response may add up to more than 100%.
Response Breakout
Note: This section is empty until you select a Question from the Questions and Responses section above, to filter to only those Products with answers to the selected question.
The Response Breakout section shows the number and percentage of reviews for each response by Product, Merchant Group, Merchant, Category, or Brand. Use the Show By dropdown to pick which level of detail you would like to see in the breakout. This section is also filtered to only those products (or whichever level of detail you choose) that have at least 10 reviews. You can change this number to any cutoff, by updating the Minimum Reviews. You can also click on a Response in the Questions and Responses section, to further filter this chart to only those Products with the selected responses.