This article discusses how to troubleshoot your Order Feed. To learn more about implementing an Order Feed, click here.
Recurring Order Feed
If you are trying to connect to, please note that this server is no longer in use and the correct host name is now No IP whitelist is required for this server, however it only supports SFTP and FTPS. FTP is no longer supported.
If you still have difficulty connecting after ensuring you are attempting to connect to the correct server with a supported protocol, please reach out to your Implementation Team or PowerReviews Technical Support.
Manual Order Feed
Unable to Upload a File
If you are unable to upload your Order Feed file, it may be due to the fact that the file is not in the correct format. Please ensure it is either a TXT or CSV comma-delimited file. You should format this file with UTF-8 encoding and no byte order mark (BOM).
File Fails to Process
Your Order Feed file might fail to process for a number of reasons. Before attempting to upload the file again, read through and address these common issues:
- The file is empty - Check you are uploading the correct file.
- The date format is incorrect - Format order dates as YYYY MM DD or MM DD YYYY. Year should be 4 digits, month should be 2 digits, and day should be 2 digits. You can separate the digits by slashes, dashes, or white space. Include a date for each page_id even if duplicated.
- There are duplicate headers in the file - If this is the case, remove the duplicate headers.
- Missing required headers - Check the Required Fields table to ensure you have the correct headers in your file.
If your file is able to be processed but some items fail to upload, download the Items Failed file by clicking the blue cloud icon. The file will provide you with a line-by-line breakdown outlining the errors and how to fix them. Fix the errors and include them in the recurring file to be picked up next day. Continue this process until all orders have been ingested successfully.
Failed Line Items
An individual order within your Order Feed file might fail to upload for a number of reasons, and the follow error message will occur.
Error message: Unexpected error while persisting order. Please check the format of data under each column. For troubleshooting help, please refer to our Order Feed Documentation found at
Your file has some incorrect formatting which is causing issues with uploading individual orders (rows) correctly. Our uploader looks at orders in batches of 10; if it sees a formatting error in one of those rows it will provide this error message for all 10 orders. Therefore all 10 orders may not have an error. To find where the formatting error is occurring please try the following steps:
1. View the raw data - Open your file in a text editing tool to view the raw format of the file. For Mac users we recommend BBEdit or Text Wrangler. For Windows users we recommend NotePad++: Within the text editor tool check to see if your file has either of the following issues:
- Extra commas - There should only be 1 comma separating each data point
- The date format is incorrect - Format order dates as YYYY MM DD or MM DD YYYY. Year should be 4 digits, month should be 2 digits, and day should be 2 digits. You can separate the digits by slashes, dashes, or white space. Include a date for each page_id even if duplicated.
2. Correct any mistakes you find in individual line items and re-upload the file.
If you are unable to find the formatting error(s) in your file, reach out to your Implementation Team or PowerReviews Technical Support.