This article discusses how to troubleshoot your Feedless Product Data code. To learn more about implementing Feedless, click here (with product variants being present) or click here (without product variants being present).
If you are noticing that images or names for products are not displaying in Moderation or on the Write- a-Review form, it is likely that we may not be receiving your product information as expected, as this information is sourced directly from the data you provide us. First, you can check to see if there are any errors are being reported in the PowerReviews Portal.
You can also check your website to see if the Feedless beacon is actually firing. If you wish to verify that Feedless is working, and to confirm the information you are passing to us, you can use these methods.
JSON Object in Session Storage
To ensure your Product Data is declared correctly on your PDP, you can locate a JSON object that the page creates. By validating this, you can ensure that your information is being sent to PowerReviews correctly.
Note: This method will not display variant information.
To locate the JSON object:
1. Right-click on the page, and then select Inspect. The Inspect window opens.
2. Navigate to the Applications tab.
3. Navigate to Storage > Session Storage, and then select your current URL.
4. Locate the powerreviews key on the right.
Your result should look similar to the following:
"currentProductInformation": {
"merchant_group_id': XXXX,
"merchant_id": XXXX,
"pr_product_description":"Test description",
Using the Network Tab
Another method of validating that Feedless is working is by looking for the beacon firing in the Network tab. To check this, make sure you have your browser's Developer Tools open and that you are on the Network tab (the steps to do this will differ from browser to browser). You may need to reload the page if you open these tools after the page has already loaded. This method will show you the variant data being passed to PowerReviews.
To locate the v1.gif?e=fp:
1. Filter all network calls by the text v1.gif?e
2. Identify the calls specific to Feedless by looking for the ones to '' There will be a call for each variant (up to 3 at a time, chosen at random).
3. Click on one of these to view its contents.
4. Scroll down in the right side window to see the individual items.
5. Verify the information being passed. The fields are as follows:
- pid: page_id
- pidv: page_id_variant
- l: locale
- bn: brand
- n: name
- d: description
- pu: product_url
- iu: image_url
- pri: price
- cn: category
- is: in_stock
- upc: upc
- mid: merchant_id
Checking the WAR Form
To verify that all Product Data is being defined correctly, view the WAR form linked to in the Review Display. This page should display the correct image and name for the given product. If the WAR form isn't showing correct data (or this data at all), check the information provided on the PDP.