This article contains the following sections:
Review Snapshot
The Review Snapshot is a summary of all collected reviews and aggregates data points such as the number of product reviews, the average star rating for the product, Pros, Cons, and Best Uses. The Review Snapshot typically appears below the fold on a PDP, but at the top of the Review Display.
You have a choice between a Standard Review Snapshot (which is PowerReviews' default offering) and a Simple Review Snapshot (which is a more streamlined version). You may choose to employ the Simple Snapshot if you have a Write-a-Review form that doesn't contain tag-based answers like Pros, Cons, or Best Uses. Your Implementation Team or Account Team can advise on which Review Snapshot type best fits your needs.
The Review Snapshot incorporates the following features: Review Face-Off, Clickable Histogram, and Percentage of 'Would Recommend to a Friend.'
Review Face-Off
This feature highlights the most helpful positive and negative reviews for a product. The Review Face-Off only appears when the following conditions are met:
- The Product Display Page must have at least 10 total reviews
- A review has been marked helpful 10 times
- At least one review contains a star rating of 4 or 5 stars
- At least one review contains a star rating of 1, 2, or 3 stars
Although the Review Face-Off display text states Most Liked Positive Review and Most Liked Negative Review, the reviews that appear in the Face-Off are the ones determined most helpful by the helpfulness rating algorithm, not necessarily the reviews that receive the most Yes votes for the Was this review helpful? question. The following criteria generally increases a review's helpfulness rating:
- Images included with the review
- Greater number of helpful votes received
- Greater number of answer tags selected
- The length of the review
Clickable Histogram
This feature displays the ratings distribution for a product and provides customers with a quick summary of the product's star ratings. Clicking on a distribution bar will filter the Review List to display only reviews with that selected star rating.
Percentage of 'Would Recommend to a Friend'
This feature displays how many reviewers would recommend the product to a friend. This data comes from a recommendation question on the Write-a-Review form, and it will appear in the Review Snapshot when there's at least one review with that data point. How the percentage is displayed depends on if you are utilizing the Standard Review Snapshot (our default offering) or the Simple Review Snapshot (which is more streamlined).
For the Standard Snapshot:
- 75—100% recommend: a green check circle and the percentage is displayed
- 50—74% recommend: the percentage is displayed, but without a green check circle
- 0—49% recommend: nothing is displayed
For the Simple Snapshot:
- 75—100% recommend: a green box with the percentage is displayed
- 50—74% recommend: a yellow box with the percentage is displayed
- 0—49% recommend: a red box with the percentage is displayed
Example (Percent Recommended in the Standard Snapshot):
Example (Percent Recommended in the Simple Snapshot):
Review Search and Filtering
Search and Filtering allows customers to easily search existing reviews on your PDPs to quickly find reviews that matter most to them. It's an optional Review Display feature, but it's great to use if your review content contains tag-based answers like Pros, Cons, or Best Uses.
Review Search and Filtering incorporates the following options and considerations: Filtering by Tags, Searching by Keyword, Search Logic, Dropdown Filtering, and Native Content Display Filter.
Filtering by Tags
Let's consider an example of when filtering by tags would be relevant. A customer coming to a clothing website is looking to buy a jacket for autumn. They only want to see reviews that contain the Pro of Great Color and the Con of Zipper Catches. They also want to see the Best Use of Daily Use, and if the reviewer describes themselves as a Trendy/Stylish Dresser. The customer would click on these criteria in the Review Snapshot, and the reviews matching the criteria would appear. If the customer wanted to remove some of the criteria, they could click on the selected criteria again to remove it.
Searching by Keyword
Additionally, if the customer only wanted to see reviews that contained information about how comfortable the jacket is, they could enter that search term in the Review Display search box. The Review List would update to show only reviews that contained that search term.
Note: Review Search like this is available for all clients on the latest version of the Review Display. Review Filtering is only available for enterprise clients on the latest version of the Review Display. If you want to use filtering on MSQs (aka Merchant-Specific Questions, or custom questions), you must display the MSQ in both the roll-up and the individual review. If you're hiding the MSQ in either of those places, your customers won't be able to filter your content based on the MSQ.
Search Logic
The Review Search and Filtering feature uses Boolean logic to filter the results your customers see. For instance, if a customer picks a Pro and a Con they want to see in the review content, AND logic is applied. Referring to the aforementioned example, if a customer picks a Pro of Great Color and a Con of Zipper Catches, AND logic is applied. So the returned content contains reviews with both Great Color AND Zipper Catches tags. If a customer picks multiple Pros like Practical and Lightweight, OR logic is applied. So the returned content contains reviews with Practical OR Lightweight tags.
Dropdown Filtering
Dropdown Filtering is an optional feature available for further PDP filtering. However, dropdowns tend to decrease the amount of user interaction on PDPs. Contact your Implementation Team or Account Team to learn more about this offering.
Native Content Display Filter
You can include a filter on your Review Display that allows your customers to see only reviews that are native to your site, giving a more community-based shopping experience. It will appear along with the other filters above the Review List on your PDPs.
By default, all reviews will be displayed (both native and syndicated) until a threshold of 500 native reviews is reached. The default display will then switch to 'Reviewed at <your URL>' and the Review Display will show only native reviews submitted to your site.
To learn more about implementing the Review Snapshot and/or Review Search and Filtering, click here.