If desired, you can customize your Review Display configuration via two ways: vertical pagination and a condensed Review List.
Vertical Pagination
You can change the pagination on your PDPs from the standard Previous and Next links to a single button, prompting users to + Show More Reviews. When a user clicks this button, 10 reviews will get added to the page.
Example (without vertical pagination):
Example (with vertical pagination):
You may want to make this change if you're less concerned with vertical height on your PDPs and want to simplify the user experience. If your Review Display is hidden behind a tab, we recommend that you continue to use the standard Previous and Next links.
PowerReviews defaults to 10 reviews shown per page under the standard Previous and Next links, but we can increase or decrease this number for you.
Condensed Review List
You can change the style of the Review List on your PDPs from the standard style to a more condensed style. This condensed style hides the majority of the review behind the More Details accordion, and can limit the review text to a specified number of characters. This is is useful if you're looking for a simple review implementation that highlights just the basics for potential customers.
Example (standard Review List):