If you use Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) as your eCommerce platform, use the following guide to implement PowerReviews for your storefront.
The SFCC cartridge should only be installed with guidance from your PowerReviews Implementation Team. If you do not have a current Implementation Project, please reach out to our Sales Team or to your Account Manager to get started. If you are not already working with our Sales Team, contact us for a demo.
You can download the cartridge below.
This article contains the following sections:
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Site Structure
- Implementing the Cartridge
- Importing Metadata
- Configuring PowerReviews
- Updating Templates
- Importing Operations Files
- SFTP Jobs Configuration
- Product Feed Job Configuration
- Order Feed Job Configuration
The PowerReviews SFCC cartridge for Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA) and SiteGenesis (SG) is designed to allow you to quickly integrate the PowerReviews solution into your website. While the cartridge supports most of our SFRA and SG clients' needs, your PowerReviews Solutions Consultant and Implementation Team will work with you to ensure that it is the best solution for you.
Note: The cartridge implementation is largely the same for both SFRA and (SG). There are a few minor differences which are called out in this documentation guide in red, in the applicable sections.
The cartridge will install the following components on the specific pages outlined below.
Product Display Pages (PDPs):
- Review Snippet & Display - display a review summary, individual reviews, and a media gallery on your PDPs
- Q&A Display - display previously asked and answered product questions on your PDPs to help inform customer buying decisions
Feedless Product Data Functionality - share product catalog information to PowerReviews directly through our JavaScript for real-time updates
Write-a-Review (WAR) Page:
WAR Page - a standalone wrapper page that displays the Write-a-Review form
WAR Page - a standalone wrapper page that displays the Write-a-Review form
Category/Product Listing Pages (PLPs):
Category Snippets - display a product's average star rating and total review count to encourage visitors to click through to the PDP
Category Snippets - display a product's average star rating and total review count to encourage visitors to click through to the PDP
Order Confirmation Page:
- Checkout Beacon - capture and send order information to power the post-purchase Follow-Up Email and solicit reviews from your customers
The cartridge also allows you to enable the following feeds/jobs:
- Product Feed Export - PowerReviews uses an initial Product Feed to "prime" our system with your product catalog data, which help to can facilitate review syndication prior to launch.
- Order Feed Export - PowerReviews uses Order Data to solicit product reviews from Verified Buyers via a post-purchase Follow-Up Email.
Getting Started
Before beginning installation, please be aware that you will need to be able to upload our files. Depending on your website, you may also need the ability to edit existing files.
The cartridge was developed on Compatibility Mode 22.7 and has been successfully tested on Compatibility Mode 21.2 and newer. It will not work on Compatibility Mode 18.10 and older.
The initial installation effort (without customization) is estimated to be 1-2 hours.
If you wish to customize the PowerReviews default styling to match your branding, this can be accomplished via CSS.
Finally, please ensure you have the following account credentials from your PowerReviews Implementation Team:
- API Key
- Merchant Group ID
- Merchant ID
- Locale
Site Structure
PowerReviews creates individual client accounts within our PowerReviews Portal, referred to as Merchant Groups. These Merchant Groups then have sub-accounts called Merchants. To learn more about these Merchant Groups, click here.
The number of Merchant Groups and Merchants we use will depend on your SFCC site configuration, so you will need to have an understanding of that when discussing account structure with your PowerReviews Implementation Team.
We map each individual site to its own Merchant Group, and then each locale to a Merchant within the Merchant Group. Please see the diagram below relating SFCC site structure to the PowerReviews account structure.
Implementing the Cartridge
1. To download the cartridge, click here
2. Use your preferred method to compile the applicable folders (see below) and upload them to your storefront:
- For SFRA - int_powerreviews, int_powerreviews_sfra, int_powerreviews_sfra_changes
- For SG - int_powerreviews, int_powerreviews_controller, int_powerreviews_sg_changes
3. Navigate to Administration > Sites > Manage Sites > Site Name
4. Select the Settings tab
5. Add the appropriate text to the beginning of the cartridge path if it is not already present:
- For SFRA - int_powerreviews_sfra:int_powerreviews_sfra_changes:int_powerreviews:
- For SG - int_powerreviews_controller:int_powerreviews_sg_changes:int_powerreviews:
Importing Metadata
1. Navigate to Administration > Site Development > Import & Export
2. Click Upload under Import & Export Files
3. Upload the file system-objecttype-extensions.xml
4. Click Back at the bottom of the page
5. On the Import & Export page, click Import below Meta Data
6. Select system-objecttype-extensions.xml and click Next
7. Once XML validation is finished, click Import
8. Confirm the files imported successfully
Configuring PowerReviews
1. After selecting the site name, navigate to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences
2. Click on PowerReviews
3. Use the chart below to fill out the fields
Preference Name | Example Value | Required | Description |
PowerReviews Online Status | Yes | Yes | Enables and disables PowerReviews implementation |
API Key | 3af97a76-0628-41aa-a185-f4e7ce933f3c | Yes | Provided by PowerReviews Implementation Team |
Merchant Group ID | 3282374979832 | Yes | Provided by PowerReviews Implementation Team |
Locale|Merchant ID Mappings | en_US|111222233333 | Yes | Provided by PowerReviews Implementation Team |
Default Locale | en_US | Yes | For use when the SFCC request locale is not configured in PowerReviews Locale field |
Product Feed File Name | product_feed | Yes, only if you're using the Product Feed Job | Name of the file PowerReviews will ingest for Product Data (See Product Feed Job Configuration) |
Order Feed File Name | order_feed | Yes, only if you're using the Order Feed Job | Name of the file PowerReviews will ingest for Order Data (See Order Feed Job Configuration) |
Order Export Start Date | 3/22/2023 10:18:02 pm | Yes, only if you're using the Order Feed Job | Only use when generating a one-off Order Feed during the Implementation process (See Order Feed Job Configuration) |
Job Error Email Sender | sfccerror@clientdomain.com | Recommended if you're using the Product Feed or Order Feed Jobs | Sender of error notification emails relating to the Product Feed/Order Feed Jobs |
Job Error Email Recipient | name@clientdomain.com | Recommended if you're using the Product Feed or Order Feed Jobs | Recipient of error notification emails relating to the Product Feed/Order Feed Jobs |
JavaScript Library URL | https://ui.powerreviews.com/stable/4.1/ui.js | Yes | Link to PowerReviews hosted code used on all product pages (PDPs) and category pages (PLPs) |
Checkout Beacon Library URL | https://static.powerreviews.com/t/v1/tracker.js | Yes | Link to PowerReviews hosted code used for the Checkout Beacon |
4. Confirm that the PowerReviews components described above are appearing
Updating Templates
The cartridge contains SFRA and SG templates that have been modified to include the code necessary for PowerReviews to display on a standard SFCC site, with no other action needed.
However, if any of your templates have been overwritten by other cartridges you will need to merge those cartridge files with the PowerReviews cartridge files listed below.
- /int_powerreviews_sfra_changes/cartridge/templates/default/common/layout/page.isml
- /int_powerreviews_sfra_changes/cartridge/templates/default/product/productTileFooter.isml
- /int_powerreviews_sfra_changes/cartridge/templates/default/product/components/details.isml
- /int_powerreviews_sfra_changes/cartridge/templates/default/product/components/pidRating.isml
- /int_powerreviews_sfra_changes/cartridge/templates/default/product/components/productTileName.isml
- /int_powerreviews_sfra_changes/cartridge/templates/default/checkout/confirmation/confirmation.isml
- /int_powerreviews_sg_changes/cartridge/templates/default/components/footer/footer.isml
- /int_powerreviews_sg_changes/cartridge/templates/default/components/order/orderdetails.isml
- /int_powerreviews_sg_changes/cartridge/templates/default/product/productcontent.isml
- /int_powerreviews_sg_changes/cartridge/templates/default/product/producttile.isml
- /int_powerreviews_sg_changes/cartridge/templates/default/product/producttopcontentPS.isml
- /int_powerreviews_sg_changes/cartridge/templates/default/product/pt_productdetails.isml
Importing Operations Files
1. Navigate to Administration > Operations > Import & Export
2. Click Upload under Import & Export Files
3. Upload the files jobs.xml and services.xml
4. Click Back at the bottom of the page
5. On the Import & Export page, click Import below Jobs
6. Select jobs.xml and click Next
7. Once XML validation has completed, click Next
8. If asked, select Replace Import Mode and click Import
9. On the Import & Export page, click Import below Services
10. Select services.xml and click Next
11. Once XML validation has completed, click Next
12. If asked, select Replace Import Mode and click Import
13. Confirm that both files were imported
SFTP Jobs Configuration
To use the Order Feed and/or Product Feed exports, you will need to add the SFTP credentials provided by PowerReviews.
1. Navigate to Administration > Operations > Services
2. Click on powerreviews.sftp
3. Ensure that the fields are filled out as follows
Field | Value |
Name | powerreviews.sftp |
Type | SFTP |
Enabled | Checked |
Service Mode | Live |
Log Name Prefix | powerreviews_sftp |
Communication Log Enabled | Checked |
Force PRD Behavior in Non-PRD Environments | Not Checked |
Profile | powerreviews.sftp.profile |
Credentials | powerreviews.sftp.cred |
4. Return to Administration > Operations > Services
5. Click on powerreviews.sftp.profile
6. Ensure the fields are filled out as follows
Field | Value |
Name | powerreviews.sftp.profile |
Connection Timeout (ms) | 1,000 |
Enable Circuit Breaker | Checked |
Max Circuit Breaker Calls | 0 |
Circuit Breaker Interval (ms) | 0 |
Enable Rate Limit | Not Checked |
Max Rate Limit Calls | 0 |
Rate Limit Interval (ms) | 0 |
7. Return to Administration > Operations > Services
8. Click on powerreviews.sftp.cred
9. Ensure the fields are filled out as follows
Field | Value |
Name | powerreviews.sftp.cred |
URL | sftp.powerreviews.com |
User | Provided by PowerReviews Implementation Team |
Password | Provided by PowerReviews Implementation Team |
Product Feed Job Configuration
The Product Feed Export Job is recommended to generate a one-time "primer" file of all of your Product Data.
1. Navigate to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > PowerReviews Configurations
2. Scroll to Product Feed File Name
3. Enter the name that will be used for all Product Feed exports (we recommend a products_site_name naming convention, such as products_sitegenesis)
4. Click Save at the top of the page
5. Navigate to Administration > Operations > Jobs > PWRProductExportFeed > Job Steps
6. Click on the blue box next to Scope and Assign the appropriate scope for the job
7. Click on Run Now
Order Feed Job Configuration
The Order Feed Export Job is recommended to generate a one-time file of past orders to use in a legacy Follow-Up Email "blast," whereby you can solicit reviews from your last 3-6 months worth of customer orders.
1. Navigate to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > PowerReviews Configurations
2. Navigate to PowerReviews Order Export Start Date
3. Select the date for the start of the order export (we recommend going back 3-6 months)
4. Scroll to Order Feed File Name
5. Enter the name that will be used for all Order Feed exports (we recommend an orders_site_name naming convention, such as orders_sitegenesis)
6. Click Save at the top of the page
7. Navigate to Administration > Operations > Jobs > PWROrderExportFeed > Job Steps
8. Click on the blue box next to Scope and Assign the appropriate scope for the job
9. Click on Run Now