PowerReviews is a service provider and only collects and processes information necessary to perform its services. As a data processor, PowerReviews pursues a policy of data minimization to best ensure consumer data privacy standards. The type of data collected and stored as part of its services, including personal and sensitive information, is therefore intentionally and purposefully limited.
Practicing data minimization, PowerReviews collects and stores the least amount of data necessary to provide relevant and insightful review context to any consumer on a client's ecommerce site. This includes the default collection and display fields: Star Rating, Review Headline, Review Comments, Nickname, Location (as defined by the person leaving the review), and Email Address (which is collected for verification purposes only and is never exposed). Data minimization excludes the collection of non-essential personal information (such as Zip Code) or sensitive data via review imports, merchant-specific questions (MSQs) to WAR forms, or any other collection method.
While it may seem like City, State, Zip Code, or other personal information are not inherently or independently considered PII (Personally Identifiable Information), including more of these data points to the default fields described above heavily increases the possibility of identification via triangulation and related PII risks. PowerReviews therefore has these safeguards in place to protect you as a client and, even more importantly, your end customers.